My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 478: Don't put anything in my mouth

Chapter 478 Don’t put things in my mouth

 There are obviously two differences between the temperament and appearance of these dozen of them.

There is no need to separate people, they will automatically walk next to people who are similar to themselves and find a seat to sit down.

 Ye Xichen and Ye Xichen, the only two people who received the most attention, stood there motionless.

The surroundings of Gu Chengxi exuded the aura of not being approached by strangers, and the aura surrounding Yu Anran exuded the aura of not being disturbed by mortals.

Gong Qianli patted the chair next to her and said, "You are the only one who can sit here."

Ye Xichen directly put his arm around Ye Weiwei's shoulders, obviously wanting to lock her to him, and temporarily set Gong Qianli to refuse to interact with her!

 “Stingy, jealous guy!”

Gong Qianli quietly complained in Nangong Luo’s ear.

Nangong Luo directly stuffed a ball into her mouth and said, "Eat your food."

Gong Qianli held the last small ball in her hand and glared at Nangong Luo dissatisfied, "Don't put things in my mouth! There are so many people watching, so be careful about your image!"

“Oh, when did Princess Liuli know how to pay attention to her image? We are all of the same age.”

"That shouldn't leave a bad impression on others." Gong Qianli said a few words without hesitation, and glanced secretly in the direction of Gu Chengxi, with an obvious curvature of the corners of her mouth.

Xia Xiyun has not yet woken up from the shock of meeting an idol and a school-level male idol.

"Did I hear it wrong? Just now Qiao Qiao called Ye Xichen...Ye Dashen...Ye Boss what? Brother?"

“Are they siblings? They have different surnames.”

Xia Xiyun felt like her head was going to explode.

At this time, Han Xingye handed her a glass of bright orange juice, and Xia Xiyun's crazy heart was taken away again!

Luo Yuxi pretended to be a lady at this time, but she didn't think about a word.

Qiu Yiyan and others were still sitting next to her, discussing things about Ye Weiwei.

The true identities of Luo Baiyuan and Chen Lingdang have become a joke in their gang. Some time ago, her story was even directly written by an unknown person on the Tieba 818 complaint thread.

Although games and reality should be separated, they cannot be separated at this time.

Tian Sewan has despised Luo Yuxi since he knew her true face, "Oh, this Chen Lingdang exudes a heroic atmosphere from the game to reality. Unlike some people, who pretend to be true and confident after their identity is exposed." ”

Luo Yuxi kept stuffing things into her mouth, as if she didn't need to finish her sentence.

Qiu Yiyan asked her: "Did you give her the crystal bracelet last time?"

At the mention of the crystal bracelet, Luo Yuxi stopped eating.

"Isn't that something for Luo Baiyuan? Why should it be given to others?" Her voice suddenly became weaker, and she felt a little aggrieved that she was about to cry.

 But Qiu Yiyan didn't call her, so naturally he wouldn't feel sorry for her.

Qiu Yiyan said: "To be honest, I bought it on the night when the gang met for the first time. It was a gift for Qiao Li."

He specifically mentioned the real name, which means that the person he likes is the real Qiao Lian from beginning to end.

Luo Yuxi was very sad.

 “The bracelet is in the dormitory, I will return it to you.”

 “Thank you very much.”

"Thank me?" Luo Yuxi smiled bitterly, "Don't you know the reason why I asked you to come today? I just hope you can see clearly that Qiao Qiao is a very outstanding girl. Her family background is extraordinary, whether she is a friend or a relative...and She still has someone she likes, and that person is excellent.”

 All she did was to hope that Qiu Yiyan would only give up on Ye!

The character Luo Yuxi is not bad, just like some people in real life. They are not bad in nature, but they also have a selfish side.



 (End of this chapter)

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