My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 479: If you want to get a woman, you have to be quick, accurate and ruthless

Chapter 479 If you want to get a woman, you have to be quick, accurate and ruthless

“You don’t have to tell me this, even if I don’t get her, I won’t like you!”

 For a man to say such words to a woman who likes him is as painful as taking a knife to cut out his heart.

 But human nature is like this. You can be cruel to people you don’t like.

Qiu Yiyan took a glass of wine and walked over to Ye Youwei, "Qiao Qiao, I'm sorry that I couldn't talk to you during our quick farewell last time. I'm here to catch up with your coming-of-age ceremony today and wish you a happy birthday."

  Qiu Yiyan was holding a glass of wine.

 Ye Weiwei held another glass of juice in his hand and clinked the glasses politely, "Thank you."

Qiu Yiyan suddenly asked inappropriately: "Qiao Qiao, I haven't seen you log in to the game for a long time. Have you stopped playing?"

“Before, I just used it to kill time when I was bored. I didn’t play much.”

 Qiu Yiyan felt disappointed.

His only real love for Ye is: love at first sight, love at second sight, love at third sight...

 The gap between reality and Ye Youyi is too big. If she stops playing games, they will have no intersection at all!

 Fortunately, he has brains and won't humiliate himself.

Qiu Yiyan not only paid tribute to Ye Weiwei, but also raised a glass to Ye Xichen, "Mr. Ye, what a coincidence. Thank you for your help at school last time."

Of course, Qiu Yiyan would never forget that the person who went to the School of Finance to help them lead the way that day was Ye Xichen.

Ye Ziyi grabbed Ye Xichen curiously and asked what was going on, but Ye Xichen smiled and said nothing.

Ye Weiwei grabbed his arm and refused to let go, coquettishly trying to listen to the process.

"Brother, you are hiding a secret from me. I'm not happy. Today is my birthday."

Ye Xichen turned his head and whispered to her, "Last time, they went to school and said they were looking for Luo Yuxi, so I stopped by and showed them the way."

 The simple explanation belies his deliberate behavior.

He clearly knew about the dirty thing Luo Yuxi did and did it on purpose.

Ye Weiyi chuckled.

The moment she gets to know Luo Yuxi, she will no longer care about that person. Luo Yuxi will be laughed at by the gang members, etc., which are not within her control.

 The hall gradually blends into elegant light music.

 A waiter in an animal costume stopped in the middle pushing a large cake. The whole body is covered with snow-white and smooth cream, and it is dotted with fruits of various colors or other decorative foods.

Everyone looked at it and said "Wow", marveling at this cake that was almost as tall as a person.

There is a transparent protective cover around the cake. They counted it carefully and found that there were exactly 18 layers.

Each layer is carved with patterns and the workmanship is very exquisite.

 “This is probably the biggest cake I’ve ever seen in my life.”

 “It’s so beautiful, it must be delicious.”

 “Haha, do you want to put a candle on each floor?”

of course not!

Ye Xichen personally inserted the candles into the top and lit 18 candles. Not only who lit the candle, but also everyone sang happy birthday to the rhythm.

 Sing in English after singing in Chinese.

 “Make a wish quickly, make a wish quickly!”

  While everyone was cheering, Ye Weiyi cupped his hands, lowered his head and closed his eyes, seizing the time to make a wish.

 One wish is that everyone she cares about can be safe and happy.

 Second wish, she can take revenge as soon as possible to comfort her parents' spirits in heaven.

Three wishes, she can be happy with the person she likes.

 “Oh oh oh, make a wish and blow out the candles.”

That cake has 18 layers and is a little taller than Ye Yiyi. Even if you raise your head and blow out the candles, you may not blow them out too early.

Su Yichen put a tall stool at her feet, "Just step on it."

 “Thank you.” Ye Youyi was about to stand up.

Ye Xichen suddenly picked the man up and lifted it to his shoulders again!

So, if you want to seduce a young lady, you have to be quick! allow! ruthless!



 (End of this chapter)

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