My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 484: Kneel down on one knee, ring

Chapter 484 Kneel down on one knee, ring

 “Why do you need to write a name?”

"Well, let's play a game." Ye Xichen did not explain, but directly put the contract in front of her, holding Ye Wei's hand and stopping at the signer's position.

Ye Weiwei did not think what he thought, but actually wrote his name there based on his feeling, but it was not Qiao Lian, but the word "only".

Ye Xichen frowned when he saw the strokes on her shoes.

Ye Ziyi was completely unaware.

“Hehe, brother, how do I write? Can I open my eyes?”

 “The writing is... really ugly.”

 “Impossible!” She opened her eyes directly, and there was nothing in front of her.

She reached out and asked Ye Xichen, "Where is the name I wrote?"

Ye Xichen smiled and shook his head, "It's too ugly so I won't show it to you."

"No way! I am someone who has practiced calligraphy!" Ye Weiwei refused to accept the evaluation that she would become "ugly" if she wrote with her eyes closed, but Ye Xichen refused to give it to her no matter what.

 She looked around but couldn't find it.

I don’t know where Ye Xichen hid the words she wrote!

 “If you don’t give it, I won’t give it. I’ll write another one.”

 She seemed to be addicted to competing with herself, and she started looking for it even during the holidays, "Where's the pen and paper?"

Of course Ye Xichen didn't give it to her.

“Little bell, are you sure you want to argue with me in such a good atmosphere about whether writing with your eyes closed is ugly or beautiful?”

 When you hear it this way, does it make sense?

“It seems so, but I’ve eaten the cake and received the gift, so what else is there to do?”

She puffed out her cheeks, bent her left hand squarely, supported her right elbow with the back of her hand, put the five fingers of her right hand against her cheek, and tilted her head to think seriously, which looked very cute!

Ye Xichen took a step back, his expression and eyes became serious and affectionate.

“The meaning of the name Ye Xichen has always been ‘Ye Xichen’s only one’. From the moment I gave you the name, I have decided to protect you for the rest of my life.”

Ye Xichen knelt down on one knee in front of her, as if by magic, he turned his wrist and held a silver ring between his fingers.

“You have always asked me to wait for you to grow up, and now, I have finally waited.”

Ye Weiwei opened his mouth, and only made a brief sound before losing any words, "I..."

Ye Xichen smiled even more, "Little Lingdang, are you willing to be my girlfriend?"

His voice is gentle and pleasant to the ears.

At such a sultry moment, Ye Weiwei suddenly started crying...

Ye Xichen couldn’t laugh or cry.

 He stood up and was much taller than Ye Yiyi.

He sent the ring forward and asked knowingly: "So are you unwilling? Then I will take back the token of love."

 “Don’t take it back, it’s mine, it’s mine!”

Ye Weiwei cried while reaching out and "snatching" the things in his hand, holding them tightly in the palm of his hand without letting go.

Seeing that she was so active, Ye Xichen was not worried, so he happily teased her, "I gave you a ring, not an onion. Why are you crying like this?"

Ye Weiwei casually pulled up the paper and wiped the corners of his eyes, "Brother, why do you say such nice things that make others unable to bear it?"

 This is what people often say: crying with joy!

 It was because I was so happy that I couldn’t help crying.

“You don’t even know how long I’ve been waiting for you to say this!”

“Really? So you wanted to be my girlfriend for a long time?”

“Then, it’s not like you said you wanted me to be your girlfriend without any clue!”

 Because after that time, she realized that her feelings for Ye Xichen became so strong that they got out of control.

But after that time, Ye Xichen never said those words to her again, and even rejected her!

Next, the plot in the introduction will appear: the cute fan girl is having **** online, will my brother tease her?



 (End of this chapter)

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