My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 485: token of love

Chapter 485: Token of Love

 “Be good, baby, stop crying.”

 “I really didn’t expect you to cry so hard.”

 “Don’t say whether it’s okay or not! It’s embarrassing!”

Ye Weiwei didn't expect that he would cry like this when encountering such a thing?

If Gong Qianli and the others knew about it, they would definitely laugh at her for a whole year!

“You know what happened tonight and I know it, and we must never let a third person know about it!”

 “Okay, okay, I promise you.”

"That..." Ye Weiwei stretched out his hand, palm facing upward, and a beautiful and high-quality silver ring lay quietly in the smooth palm.

 “What about this?”

 “Of course the ring is for wearing, idiot!”

Ye Xichen took the ring away from her hand, grabbed her finger with his left hand, and slowly inserted the ring into her finger while holding the ring in his right hand.

"Is this a token of love? But I didn't prepare anything for my brother." Because it was her birthday, she didn't expect Ye Xichen to make such a move.


Ye Xichen changed his mind and said, "It's a birthday gift."

“I just said it was a token of love, so should I give you a ring as a token of love?”


Ye Xichen refused?

Ye Weiwei pouted slightly and was about to say something when he saw the smile on the corner of the man's lips shining and beautiful.

 He said the most beautiful love words in the most confusing voice.

 “You belong to me, the best token of love.”

 She was almost intoxicated by that smile.



Hands as white as jade clasped the neck of the high-heeled wine glass and touched it to the table.

Ye Weiwei was lying on the table, with the left side of his face pressed against his left arm.

Her cheeks were red, and her eyes were blinking, but her eyes were blurry, and she was obviously drunk.

Just now because she was too happy, she drank to cheer her up, but she drank one glass.

 The only way to get drunk at night is to act coquettishly.

Those cute micro-expressions of pouting have completely become the norm, but only in front of Ye Xichen.

His slender arm stretched out and held up her chin with one hand. Seeing her cute posture, Ye Xichen felt very sober.

 “Getting drunk so quickly.”

 “I’m not drunk!”

 Drunk people feel that they are sober.

As long as you are not in a drunken state, your mind will really think about things, but at that time, the things you think about are more energetic than usual, and the words you say are also very bold!

Ye Youyi slapped Ye Xichen's hand away, picked up the red wine bottle on the table, and stood up unsteadily, "I'm not drunk, I know what I'm doing."

But in a blink of an eye, she forgot what happened just now, stared at Ye Xichen with blurred eyes, and suddenly laughed stupidly.

She looked at Ye Xichen and said, "Brother, you are so beautiful."

Ye Xichen took her slender fingers into his palm and asked, "You're not drunk, why are you still talking drunkenly?"

 “That’s not drunken talk!”

She let go of the wine bottle and tried to walk away. She stumbled and stepped on something and fell directly to the ground.

 There was no pain from the fall.

 She straightened her legs and sat firmly on the ground, not intending to stand up!

 “What are you sitting for?”

Gentle and melodious voices are the most seductive.

 She blushed and smiled stupidly.

Ye Xichen knelt down on one knee and stretched out a hand towards her.

Ye Weiwei also slowly stretched out a hand...

Unexpectedly, he grabbed Ye Xichen's arm and threw him to the ground, accidentally touching the bell.

 The sound of silver bells is clear and clear.

 “The cute fan girl is showing off online, brother, can you tease her?”

  Thanks to "I'm hard to coax" for the reward~

   So, how should Brother Chen answer the next sentence? !



 (End of this chapter)

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