My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 495: Mrs. Qiao spoke

Chapter 495 Mrs. Qiao spoke

"You like Gu Chengxi? What about brother Nangong?"

If she were drinking water, she would definitely burst out because of these words!

Just now, after Gong Qianli asked her for her phone number, Ye Weiwei asked a few more questions and learned that Gong Qianli had some interest in Gu Chengxi.

 She really couldn't understand it.

"How could you like Gu Chengxi..." That big iceberg is so gloomy and cold, and he is always against her...

“Oh, I didn’t say I liked Gu Chengxi. Besides, what does this have to do with Nangong Luo?”

 Ye Weiwei answered honestly: "I always thought you would be with Brother Nangong."

 Because she is not the only one who thinks so, almost everyone who knows them thinks so.

The man is talented and the woman is good-looking, they are of the right family, and they have a good relationship. It is a pity not to be together.

But Gong Qianli told her firmly, "I don't like Nangong Luo's style. We are just pure friends."

Ye Weiwei shook her head, sorry that she really couldn’t understand.

How can you have such a good relationship with the opposite **** unless you are with the person you like?

“And I didn’t say that I like Gu Chengxi. I just think he is quite handsome and mysterious, and I want to get to know him.”

“If that’s the case, why don’t you ask Brother Nangong if they are familiar with each other?” Those two were familiar with each other when they played games together!

 But in fact, Gong Qianli had already asked.

She became very angry when she mentioned Nangong Luo, "Nangong Luo, that stingy guy, I asked, but he came over and asked me who is more handsome, him or Gu Chengxi."

 “Then did you answer?”

 “I answered it!”

 “What did you answer?”

 “I said Gu Chengxi is more handsome than you.” Now he said it so honestly.

 Yeweiyi: “…”

"I know you want to say that you should praise the person involved, but what I thought was that our relationship is so good, so I just made a joke. Who knew he was so stingy and got angry, and said that he would not tell me his contact information."

“Liu Li, do you really think Brother Nangong is not as handsome as Gu Chengxi?”

“Of course not, they are not the same type at all, there is no way to compare them.”

They all have high-quality looks, but the styles of the two are so different that there is really no way to compare them. Each has its own advantages.

Hearing this, Ye Weiyi breathed a sigh of relief, "It seems you can still be saved."

“…” Gong Qianli retorted unwillingly, “My emotional intelligence is not low.”

Ye Weiwei shook his head, looked down at his phone, copied Gu Chengxi's phone number and sent it to her.

"as long as you are happy."

  In any case, she didn’t believe that Gong Qianli would really like Gu Chengxi’s style.

  When Ye Wei was playing with her mobile phone, Gong Qianli suddenly discovered a shiny silver thing between her fingers.

Gong Qianli grabbed her finger and looked excited, "Is this a ring on your hand? Brother Chen proposed to you!"

 Ye Weiwei shook his head in reply, "It's not a proposal."

 “Oh, ring, you still want to lie to me.”

“It wasn’t really a proposal, he just asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend.”

 “Holy shit!” Gong Qianli sighed deeply, “Then you agree and your relationship will be officially established, right?”

 Ye nodded silently.

Gong Qianli clapped excitedly.

 “You guys are simply awesome!”


With a smile on his face, Ye Weiwei watched a text message pop up on his phone page, which was sent by Pei Yichen.

 She clicked on it and saw that it was Pei Yichen who brought good news: Madam has started to speak out today.

The story about Grandma Qiao should be finished soon on Qixi Festival.



 (End of this chapter)

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