My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 496: Give Mrs. Qiao chronic poison

Chapter 496 Give Mrs. Qiao chronic poison

 “It’s great that my grandma can talk now!”

Ye Youwei was very happy when she received the news, while Li Moer, who received the news at about the same time as her, looked sad.

 “This dead old woman really won’t be able to recover!”

 If Mrs. Qiao is allowed to speak, everything she has done will be exposed.

Li Moer frowned and dialed a phone call with uneasiness, "How did you do it? You convinced her that the thing was just to make her appear to be in good spirits, but it was actually a chronic poison. But now? She can actually talk. ?”

I don’t know what the person opposite said in reply, but Li Moer’s brows still couldn’t relax.

  In the end, he said impatiently, "Okay, you should resign from the hospital and leave as soon as possible."

Li Moer simply packed up and rushed to the hospital to visit.

Pei Yichen was very touched by her behavior.

“Miss Mo’er, Madam can only speak a little now. You don’t have to ask for leave. I believe Madam will understand.”

"How can that be done? I finally waited until there was news about grandma's recovery. I was so happy that I couldn't help but rush over."

Li Moer pretended to be in front of Pei Yichen and really got away with it.

There was no one in the ward. Li Moer walked in alone and saw Mrs. Qiao lying motionless on the bed with a very ugly expression on her face.

Mrs. Qiao closed her eyes as if she had been sleeping.

Li Moer walked around the hospital bed, but couldn't see much difference. possible

  Because it comes often, casual changes cannot be noticed.

“Grandma, are you asleep? Mo’er is here to see you.”

Li Moer squatted beside the bed and called her softly.

Mrs. Qiao vaguely heard someone calling her grandma again in her dream, and she seemed to see her granddaughter Qiao Ling smiling sweetly at her and acting coquettishly beside her.

Li Mo'er saw the change in Mrs. Qiao's sleeping face, as if she was having a sweet dream.

Li Moer reached into the quilt of the bed and pinched Mrs. Qiao hard!

Mrs. Qiao felt pain and woke up from her sleep.

She opened her eyes suddenly, moved her eyes around, and caught a glimpse of Li Mo'er at the bedside, and her pupils suddenly dilated.

Li Moer was not afraid at all when he saw her waking up.

He lied next to her hypocritically and said, "Grandma, you finally woke up. Mo'er is really worried about you."


Mrs. Qiao let out a hoarse roar, and Li Mo'er grabbed the tissue beside the bed and held her mouth, applying force.

 “Old woman, don’t scream!”

It was very uncomfortable to have her mouth covered, not to mention that Li Moer's hand was so heavy and unrestrained that Mrs. Qiao's face became distorted.

Li Moer smiled even more heartily when he saw her sad expression, "She's really in good spirits."

Mrs. Qiao finally lost the strength to struggle, and Li Moer slowly let go.

 She threw the tissue into the trash can and felt her hands were dirty.

  Going to the bathroom inside to wash her hands, Li Moer was very repulsed by the smell of disinfectant in the ward.

“It’s really uncomfortable, but it won’t take long and I won’t have to come back again!”

Li Moer faced the mirror and muttered to himself, not knowing what he said. Finally, he returned to Mrs. Qiao and sat on the edge of the bed.

“Grandma, I’m really sorry just now. I didn’t mean to do it, but if you yelled randomly and called people over, you would be in trouble.”

 Now that there is only Li Mo'er, Mrs. Qiao really doesn't dare to scream because she can't resist.

 But as soon as Li Mo'er lowered his head and wiped his eyes, tears flowed out, "Grandma, it was Mo'er who was ignorant in the past. Can you forgive me?"

 (End of this chapter)

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