My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 515: The woman who is attracted by Ye Xichen

Chapter 515 The woman attracted by Ye Xichen

"No need." Ye Xichen didn't even look at her and left directly.

 He leaned against the ventilation window in the corridor, opened the cigarette case, and lit a cigarette.

“Ye, Master Ye, smoking is not good.” Leng Yanxi followed quietly. Seeing him smoking, she felt very disobedient.

The outstanding people over there should not be disturbed by the smoke of the mortal world. They should have that kind of indifference to everything because they have many things hidden in their hearts.


With a cough, Ye Xichen put out the cigarette silently.

Of course it was not because of Leng Yanxi’s advice, but because he suddenly remembered that he had promised someone not to smoke anymore.

Just now... I was really letting myself go too much.

But Leng Yanxi confirmed that her advice was effective. Seeing Ye Xichen's worried look, she felt very regretful when she thought that she couldn't do much to help.

"Master Ye, if you have any unhappy things, you can tell me. It will make you feel better."

Ye Xichen sneered, "How naive."

He is not a person who likes to confide in others. In his view, everything must be done by himself in order to change.

 Just talking, what does it mean?

The supervisor of the ‘Yese’ bar just came over and was surprised to see Ye Xichen standing with the new bartender.

“Hey, Master Ye is still so charming. Our new beauties are all attracted to you.”

Ye Xichen is a shareholder here and is quite familiar with the manager.

When Leng Yanxi saw her supervisor, she was too embarrassed to stay here. She hurriedly explained a few words and then went to do her work.

But the supervisor said to Tai Bagua, "Young Master Ye, do you know the new guy?"

"do not know."

 “But pull it down, I heard that the newcomer was bullied just now, and you acted like a hero to save her.”

Anyone who knows Ye Xichen a little bit knows that he is very indifferent to strange people and things. Even if this is his bar, he is too lazy to take care of such things personally.

 That's why the supervisor was suspicious, "Master Ye, do you have a crush on me? I think the new guy, although his status is a bit different, is still good-looking."

 “So much nonsense!”

"To be honest, she just came to the city from the countryside to find a job. We happened to be here to pick up a waiter. I saw that it was not easy for a young girl who had just grown up to work to support the family, so I let her in."

Ye Xichen was upset and said one word without politeness, "Get out!"

  The supervisor shook his head helplessly at the young master's bad temper.

 He couldn't get anything out of Ye Xichen, so he immediately turned to attack Leng Yanxi.

Seeing Leng Yanxi cleaning the table, the supervisor hurriedly waved to her, "Yanxi, come here."

 Seeing the smile on the supervisor's face, Leng Yanxi was flattered, "Supervisor, what can I do?"

“Tell me, how did you meet Mr. Ye?”

 “The supervisor wants to know this?”

“Young Master Ye keeps everything in his heart and doesn’t like to express it. As a friend, I’m a little curious.”

 “Oh, we are...”

Leng Yanxi informed her supervisor about Ye Xichen’s many times of assistance.

After listening to this, the supervisor’s face was filled with smiles!

If helping once was a coincidence, then the second and third time are always fate, right?

“Yanxi, you have to seize the opportunity. Don’t forget us when you get rich in the future.”

"what does it mean?"

"Tsk, you are such an innocent kid. Let me tell you, Young Master Ye is famous for being indifferent and never does anything worthless. Now, nine out of ten times, he has fallen in love with you!"

  Thanks to "Yi Ge Xiaoxi, Xi Ke" for the reward~

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 (End of this chapter)

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