My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 516: Make him happy

Chapter 516: Make him happy

"No, it's impossible..." How could that aloof young man from a wealthy family fall in love with a poor girl from the countryside like her?

“Stop cleaning the table now and go pour some wine for Young Master Ye.” The supervisor waved his hand towards Leng Yanxi with an ambiguous look in his eyes, “Make him happy and you will be blessed in your life.”

Leng Yanxi’s heart is like beating a drum.

  From the moment she met Ye Xichen, she felt astonished, but she had never had extravagant expectations. She only wanted to work hard to make money, a little bit at a time.

Even though the supervisor said this, she didn't really believe it, but she couldn't help but have a little hope in her heart.

Leng Yanxi took a newly developed wine from the ‘Yese’ bar from the bartender. She followed the direction indicated by the supervisor and found Ye Xichen.

“Master Ye, this is a new product just made by the bar. Do you want to try it?”

Leng Yanxi tried to get closer and passed the wine glass, but she didn't dare to go too far.

"go out."

"The supervisor asked me to come in and pour you a drink..." Leng Yanxi explained briefly, and then immediately said: "If Master Ye likes to be quiet, I can keep my mouth shut and I will never disturb you."

 “Don’t make me say it a second time!”

Hearing his serious tone, Leng Yanxi took a step back in fright and lowered her head, "Okay, okay, remember to call me if you need anything, I'll be right outside the door."

Leng Yanxi put down her wine glass and carefully closed the door after going out.


Unexpectedly, the supervisor suddenly appeared from the side, which scared her heart.

 “Supervisor, why are you here?”

“Let me see what’s going on with you. Why did you come out?”

“Master Ye said he didn’t like to be disturbed, so I came out...”

“Tsk, it stands to reason that I should be in a good mood after signing a big contract today, why am I still worried?” The supervisor touched his chin and couldn’t think of an answer.

The supervisor patted Leng Yanxi on the shoulder. He did not instigate her, but encouraged her, "Work hard and do your job well."

 Leng Yanxi promised obediently, "Thank you, supervisor, I will work hard."

After the supervisor left, Leng Yanxi breathed a sigh of relief.

The car owner asked for 5,000 yuan in compensation, which made her realize clearly that although she could make a living in the countryside, she couldn't make any money. She and her grandma couldn't afford it if something unexpected happened, so she had no choice but to come to the city to work.

Originally, she was worried about leaving her grandma alone at home, but they couldn't afford to rent a house now, and even she herself lived in a simple dormitory provided by a bar.

Even she only has an elderly mobile phone, grandma does not have one.

 You can’t even call your grandma when you miss her.

Leng Yanxi sighed and squatted at the door, looking pitiful.

 After a while, the supervisor came back and knocked her on the head, "Yanxi, get up and go, I will take you to recognize the wine."

Leng Yanxi glanced at the door, "But Master Ye is still inside..."

The supervisor waved his hand and said, "He's upset now. If you go any further, you'll be looking for death."

 “Okay.” Facing the boss, Leng Yanxi had no right to refuse.

 The most indispensable thing in a bar is wine, but drinking is also very particular, and there are many tricks in it.

Originally, Leng Yanxi had just been here for a day or two, and the supervisor didn't take her seriously and asked her to clean the table and give her drinks, but now he is serious about cultivating her.

Leng Yanxi has been working in the front for the past two days and has not been able to come to the back room yet. Now when she looked at it, she found that there were signs hanging on every door, indicating a clear division of labor.

But one of the doors has no door number and a bell on the door.

Leng Yanxi pointed curiously, "Director, what is that door for?"

 (End of this chapter)

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