My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 517: Brother, please spare me!

Chapter 517 Brother, please spare me!

“Hey, you can enter all the rooms here, but not the one with the bell.”


“That is Miss Qiao Ling’s exclusive room, and you are not allowed to enter it normally.”

 Otherwise, a certain great **** will go crazy!

Although Leng Yanxi had met Ye Weiwei when she was in the hospital, she didn't know Ye Weiwei's identity.

 So Leng Yanxi was even more curious, "Who is Miss Qiao Ling?"

"You can't say it, you can't say it." The supervisor shook his head mysteriously, because the relationship between Qiao Lian and Ye Xichen was difficult to explain. They were brothers and sisters in the past, but they didn't know what they were in the future.

“Anyway, just remember not to enter!”


Leng Yanxi suddenly remembered, didn’t Master Ye hate the sound of bells and wouldn’t even allow her to wear a bracelet?

 It seems like she should really stay away.


 In Ye Xichen’s room.

Ye Xichen was alone, and first contacted Nangong Luo, who was far away from abroad, "Go to the game."

Nangong Luo exclaimed, "Boss, brother! We have a jet lag!"


Ye Xichen made a cold call and cut the call to Gu Chengxi, "Let's play games."

Gu Chengxi, who had just answered the phone, calmly refused, "A patient has just been sent to the operating room."


 No one can be relied on at the critical moment.

 In the end, someone was so "crazy" that he didn't even spare high school students, and contacted the young lady Gu Li.

 Oh... Gu Li is no longer a young boy now, he has grown into a sunny and handsome high school student.

 High school student Gu Li was very excited when he learned that Ye Xichen invited him to play games, but when he looked down at his desk full of test papers...

 “Brother, please spare me!”

 Stop tempting him, a hard-working high school party member, to play games!

  Hang up all the calls, he threw his cell phone on the ground in a vent, picked it up after a moment, picked up the coat next to the sofa and left the Night Bar.

The security guard of Ye's Group who was keeping watch at night was in a drowsy state when he was suddenly woken up. When he went out to take a look, he turned out to be the serious successor of their company, Little Night Club.

“General Manager, why are you here?”

"work overtime!"

Ye Xichen put down these two words, and the security guard felt like he was hallucinating.

 Stay up late at night and work overtime? Sure enough, successful people are not something they can understand...

 People who came to work the next day saw that it was terrible!

Although the secretary was curious, he did not dare to delay his work. He completed his own work first according to the rules. After half a day, he brought a cup of coffee and asked, "Little nightclub, when did you come?"

"last night."

“Here, it’s almost noon, do you want someone to help you prepare lunch?”

 “No, I’ll be out in a while.”

 “Yes.” The secretary asked a few important questions and did not dare to stay any longer.

During the afternoon shift, Ye Xichen received a call from Madam Ye. The reason was that he had settled a big business yesterday. Ye Hantian was so happy that he went back to Yejie Villa.

Ye Xichen listened to the phone call expressionlessly, not feeling much.

 Since he was a child, his mother has been used by him as a tool to gain his father's attention. He has long been used to it!


 The elevator arrives downstairs.

 He just hung up the call when he walked out of the elevator.

 Glancing forward, I suddenly saw the receptionist leading a woman to the rest area.

This is nothing, the important thing is that the woman turned this way unintentionally, and Ye Xichen saw the woman's face clearly.

I almost blurted out two words: Aunt Hui!

 (End of this chapter)

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