My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 530: abortion surgery

Chapter 530 Abortion Surgery

Su Hui cooperated with the doctor and entered a room. The doctor asked her to lie on the bed.

Just when the doctor was about to give her anesthesia, Su Hui suddenly opened her eyes and said, "I want to call my husband."

The doctor frowned, but his tone was calm and there was nothing weird about it, "Madam, this is arranged by Mr. Ye."

Su Hui didn't understand what these examinations in big hospitals were about. When the doctor said this, she lay down again.

 It's just that Su Hui feels inexplicably uneasy now.

I don’t know if it was a psychological effect, but she felt like the child in her belly was kicking her.

Su Hui sat up again and stopped the doctor's movements.

She touched her belly hesitantly and said, "Doctor, the child in my belly is very noisy. Can you wait a moment and check again so that I can calm down a bit?"

A hint of impatience flashed in the doctor's eyes, "Madam, each of our examinations has a specific time schedule. There will be another one after you finish it. Please cooperate with it."

 “No, no, no.” No matter what she said this time, Su Hui got out of bed directly.

The nurse next to her grabbed her arm, and Su Hui broke free.

 She ran back to her room and called Ye Hantian.

 There is no one to answer the call at Yehantian.


The ward door suddenly opened.

I saw a luxuriously dressed woman standing at the door, approaching her step by step, but there was a look of horror on her face!

  It’s not that the mistress is afraid of the first wife, but the first wife is frightened by the mistress!

Mrs. Ye pointed at Su Hui, her fingers trembling, " could it be you! You're not dead!"

Su Hui took a few steps back uneasily when she heard the incomprehensible words from Mrs. Ye's mouth, "Why did I die?"

Su Hui was actually frightened from the moment she saw Mrs. Ye.

Su Hui was Ye Hantian's mistress, and she must have known Mrs. Ye and Ye Xichen, but she deliberately pretended not to know them and asked, "Who are you and why do you appear in my room?"

Mrs. Ye's reaction at this moment was not on the same page as Su Hui's.

Mrs. Ye pointed at Su Hui and asked her, "Are you a human or a ghost?"

After speaking, he shook his head and said to himself, "It's impossible, she's dead and there's no way she's alive. You're not her, who are you!"

Mrs. Ye came here with high spirits, but now she is a little out of sorts.

 But she quickly woke up from her past memories and recovered.

Mrs. Ye stood there with her head held high, her demeanor as a matron showing, "You are not her, what is your name?"

Su Hui has already retreated to the wall. There is no way to retreat. She still repeats those words, "Who are you? Why are you here? Please leave. I want to rest."

 Looking at her guilty expression, she betrayed herself. Madam Ye, such a sharp woman, could see through Su Hui's thoughts at a glance!

"Don't pretend to be like me. If you have the guts to do such dirty things, you should think of the consequences! It's better to get rid of the **** in your belly as soon as possible."

Mrs. Ye has already made the matter clear, and there is no point in Su Hui pretending to do it anymore.

Su Hui reflexively clutched her stomach, pressed her back against the wall, and immediately began to beg for mercy, "Mrs. Ye, I was wrong, please let my child go."

 “I’ll let your child go? Who will let me go, huh?”

"Mrs. Ye, I have never thought about fighting for anything with you. I just want to keep my child. If you think I am an eyesore, I can leave immediately."

At this time, Ye Hantian happened to call Su Hui back.

 (End of this chapter)

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