My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 531: Pregnant woman banged night only

Chapter 531 Pregnant woman bumps into Ye Weiwei

Su Hui answered the call and hurriedly pressed the loudspeaker button. Ye Hantian's voice was particularly abrupt in this quiet room.

Ye Hantian said "hui'er" but angered Madam Ye who was present.

 When she saw Su Hui's face, Mrs. Ye was shocked and in disbelief at first, but then she calmed down and thought about it, and then combined with this title, the answer was clearly before her eyes.

Mrs. Ye walked over on the spot and snatched Su Hui's cell phone. She sneered into the phone and said, "Okay Ye Hantian, I didn't expect that you are still thinking about that woman from before! You are still thinking about finding a substitute!"

Mrs. Ye cursed bitterly and forcibly hung up the phone.

Su Hui wanted to reach out to grab the phone, but Mrs. Ye reached out to my side and pushed her away.

Su Hui bumped into the bed, but fortunately her stomach was not hurt.

Mrs. Ye saw her wholeheartedly protecting the child and felt no pity in her heart.

Originally, she had no intention of keeping that bastard, but now that she saw Su Hui's face and knew that name, Madam Ye felt in danger!

If Su Hui is allowed to give birth to the child, whether it is a boy or a girl, it is very likely that Ye Xichen will take away his position in Ye Hantian.

 Mrs. Ye will never allow this to happen!

“Doctor, continue to arrange the operation for her, do it now!”

As soon as Madam Ye gave the order, a doctor walked in and grabbed Su Hui by force.

Su Hui struggled and made a noise, but Madam Ye told her to shut up with just one word.

“If you make any more noise, I’ll punch you in the stomach. You can try it!”

Su Hui didn't dare to risk her child, so she had to keep her mouth shut even if she was unwilling to do so.

Su Hui struggled hard, but she was worried about the child, so she didn't dare to move too much.

Su Hui kept lowering her attitude and begging for mercy, "Mrs. Ye, please let me go. I never thought about getting anything. I only care about my children. Madam Ye, you are also a person with children. You know how to be a mother." Mood, please let my child go."

Madam Ye sneered and said, "If I let you go, who will treat me well?"

The "who" here clearly means something, and it represents Yehantian.

 She and Ye Hantian couldn't be a loving couple now, so it didn't matter if they were enemies and held grudges for the rest of their lives.

Madam Ye glanced at Su Hui and gave a cold order, "Take her away."

Just when they were about to pull Su Hui out, Ye Xichen suddenly opened the door and barged in.

As soon as Madam Ye saw Ye Xichen, her expression changed instantly, "Chen'er, why are you here?"

 “Mom, please stop what you are doing immediately.”

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Madam Ye narrowed her eyes slightly, unable to believe that these words came from her son's mouth.

Su Hui took advantage of the opportunity and started crying when she heard Ye Xichen plead for her, "Master Ye, please help me. I really don't want to destroy your family. I just want my child. If you think it's an eyesore, I can take the child with you." Inside, promise never to come back!”

These remarks were already made by Su Hui.

 She didn't actually covet the position of Mrs. Ye's family, but she thought that mother was more valuable than son. If she could get Ye Hantian's favor and he would have a son and a half left, she would have nothing to worry about in the next life.

 I just didn’t expect it to be discovered so quickly!

Ye Xichen gave her a cold look and didn't take those words to heart.

Ye Xichen approached Madam Ye and whispered a few words in her ear. Madam Ye had a solemn expression and was obviously hesitant.

Su Hui saw how relaxed they all were, so she broke away from them and ran outside.


But he didn’t want to bump into Ye Weiyi who was standing at the door!

 (End of this chapter)

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