My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 538: The needle pierced her veins

Chapter 538 The needle pierced her blood vessel

Leng Yanxi hurriedly called for Manager Zhao. When Manager Zhao saw Ye Weiyi breaking into a cold sweat, she was frightened and said, "Oh, please contact Mr. Ye quickly."

 “No, don’t call my brother.”

Ye Weiwei opened his eyes and sat up, putting the back of his hand on his forehead and said, "Just call the doctor, I just have a cold."

Ye Xichen must have something important to do so he couldn't stay with her. If he called her now, it would definitely interfere with his affairs again.

Manager Zhao had no choice but to listen and quickly found a doctor.

 Injections are not possible right now, so give her an infusion directly.

The sharp needle pierced the blood vessel, Ye Weiwei narrowed his eyes tightly and gritted his teeth not to cry out the pain.

Manager Zhao arranged for Leng Yanxi to stay with her, "Take care of her carefully and let me know if anything happens."

Leng Yanxi stood next to Ye Weiwei.

 The infusion process is very long.

Ye Weiyi saw her standing all the time and gave her a kind smile, "Sit down, you will get tired if you stand all the time."

Leng Yanxi was very grateful for Ye Weiyi's understanding, "Thank you, Miss Qiao."

 “Don’t be so formal, we are just the same age.” She is even more likely to be younger than Leng Yanxi.

“Ms. Qiao, how long have you had a cold and fever?”

 “Well, I accidentally got caught in the rain last night, and that’s it for today.”

Hearing what Ye Weiwei said, Leng Yanxi was amazed, "Oh my God, is it so easy? No wonder, you city people are more delicate. It's okay to work in the rain when we are mowing grass in the countryside. We just need to exercise more." alright."

Leng Yanxi didn’t have any special thoughts when she said this, and Ye Weiwei could tell that she had no ill intentions.

Just follow Leng Yanxi's words and thank her for her concern, "Thank you, maybe it's my physical condition."

 Actually, Ye Weiwei didn't tell her that the amount of exercise she did was more than what she said she was doing.

Although she is not learning grappling from Master Shirley now, she must practice unremittingly to become more proficient.

 She rarely gets sick, but when she does she is more troublesome.

“You have always said that you are from a rural area. Are you comfortable working here alone?”

"Fortunately, Director Zhao takes good care of me. I never thought that I would be so lucky that I could clean Miss Qiao's room and earn a lot of money. I believe that I will be able to take my grandma over to live with her in the near future."

 “You...have a grandma?”

"Yes, but grandma is alone in the countryside now. I am very worried and can only do my best to make money."

“Alone? Are you and your grandma living together?”

“My father died early and my mother left too, so it was just my grandma and I.”

Hearing Leng Yanxi say "grandma", Ye Weiwei felt very uncomfortable.

 She lowered her eyes and said in a low voice: "It's really not good to leave the old man alone."

Leng Yanxi shook her head, "But there's nothing I can do about it. I'm still living in a dormitory now and don't have that much money to rent a house."

Ye Weiwei suddenly asked her: "If you had a house, would you take your grandma over?"

Leng Yanxi nodded without hesitation, "Of course! I'm working so hard now just to make grandma happy."

"I can help you."

Ye’s only move was unexpected.

"I can lend you money first so that you can take your grandma over. The old man needs care and companionship."

 “Miss Qiao, are you serious?”


"I do, I do!" Leng Yanxi was very happy, "Miss Qiao, you are such a kind person, you deserve to be Master Ye's sister."

 “Oh? Do you think I am his sister?”

 (End of this chapter)

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