My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 539: I'm his girlfriend

Chapter 539 I am his girlfriend

"Isn't it? I heard Miss Qiao calling you Young Master Ye, brother."

"It's just a title, I'm not his sister." Ye's only attention was diverted, and she looked happy.

Leng Yanxi couldn't control her curiosity and asked, "Then you..."

Ye Weiwei made the relationship known to the public without any secret, "I am his girlfriend."

 I'm his girlfriend!

 When you say this sentence, you should look confident and have affection in your eyes.

Leng Yanxi's curiosity was instantly suppressed, and she couldn't even speak.

Ye Weiwei carefully observed Leng Yanxi's expression, "Why, you look like you have a hard time accepting it?"

Leng Yanxi suddenly came to her senses, "Oh, it's because I heard Miss Qiao that you misunderstood the title of Master Ye before, and Director Zhao denied that you are a couple, so I was surprised for a moment."

 “There’s nothing surprising.” A slight smile appeared on her face.

Leng Yanxi suddenly stood up and made an excuse to pour water.

 The only thing that doesn’t stop me is night.

 When Leng Yanxi turned around to get the cup, Ye Weiyi stared at her back with a scrutinizing gaze.

 The girl's intuition is very accurate. She sensed that something was wrong with Leng Yanxi from the very beginning.

However, this Leng Yanxi will not hide her thoughts at all, it is too easy to reveal her flaws, and just a few words can defeat her. It is really... boring.

Ye Weiwei kept true to his word and immediately contacted someone to help find a house at a suitable price.

 After finishing the intravenous drip, she leaned against the sofa and fell asleep.

 Leng Yanxi sat far away from her and sighed.

As expected, everything was just her wishful thinking. Young Master Ye would never fall in love with her, an ordinary rural girl, as Director Zhao said.

The door to the room was suddenly opened.

Leng Yanxi looked up and stood up immediately.


She had just spoken a word when she saw Ye Xichen put up his index finger to his lips, and the gesture of silence was so tempting by him.

That person is born to be looked up to.

Leng Yanxi lowered her head silently, not daring to make any noise.

Ye Xichen walked quietly to the sofa, bent down and put his hand close to Ye Weiwei's forehead.

He gently lifted a strand of hair from his forehead to his ear. His gentle movements did not disturb him at all. Anyone who witnessed the scene could feel how much Ye Xichen cared about the girl.

It's like holding a unique treasure in your hands and protecting it carefully.

Leng Yanxi felt sour in her heart, but she was very self-aware and could only stand back and watch silently.

 The only time of night I slowly wake up.

She opened her eyes and saw the familiar face, thinking she was dreaming.

 Close your eyes, your vision is all dark, and the person you want to see is gone.

She opened her eyes suddenly and found that Ye Xichen was still there, and he really appeared in front of her.

"elder brother!"

"it's me."

“Why did you show up? I thought I was dreaming.”

"If I hadn't called to ask Director Zhao, you still wouldn't tell me your physical condition, right?" Ye Xichen asked, then looked down at Ye Weiwei's hands that had just pulled out the needles, and asked, "Does your hand hurt?" ?”

  Ye Weiwei became squeamish in an instant, "It hurts..."

Leng Yanxi was amazed when she saw Ye Weiwei's actions.

Leng Yanxi couldn't help but glance at Ye Weiwei a few more times.

During the infusion just now, not a single sound was made. Now it's been a long time since the infusion and you're still showing such pain?

 So she was...deliberately pretending to show Ye Xichen?

  Thanks to Yanyan for the lovely reward~

Haha, looking for the psychological shadow area of ​​the female supporting role



 (End of this chapter)

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