My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 540: Leave the child behind

Chapter 540: Leave the child behind

“My forehead is still a little hot, I’ll take you back first.”

 “Are you in a hurry to go back?”

“It won’t be long before the quarrel starts at the wine shop, and you can’t stay here.”

 Ye Xichen's care for Ye Youyi was really meticulous.

Leng Yanxi, who was ignored, stood aside silently and sighed in her heart.

 Suddenly I heard Ye Weiwei mention: "Well, I just said that I would help Miss Leng find a rental house."

 “Really, you still have such leisurely elegance.”

“I heard that her grandma lived alone in the country, and I felt very distressed, so I helped her out.”


Ye Xichen was very repelled when this relationship was mentioned again.

“That’s someone else’s family background and has nothing to do with you.” He frowned slightly and didn’t want to talk more. Even the meaning he expressed seemed cold and callous.

Leng Yanxi was shocked, but she always felt that Ye Xichen was a gentle person at heart, otherwise she would not have taken money to save her grandma in the hospital.

 But at this moment, I was very grateful when I heard that Ye Weiyi insisted on helping her.

Leng Yanxi breathed out, walked forward, and bowed to Chong Yewei, "Thank you, Miss Qiao. If it's troublesome, forget it."

 “It’s okay, I won’t break my promise if I promise to help.”

"But Master Ye..."

Leng Yanxi glanced at Ye Xichen briefly.

But seeing Ye Xichen still staring at Ye Weiyi intently, as if everything else was nothing to him.

Ye Weiwei tugged Ye Xichen's hand, and Ye Xichen finally nodded.

He stroked Ye Youwei's hair, looking helpless but doting on him, "What else is there to be dissatisfied about, huh?"

 “No, no, no, brother, let’s go.”

 She lifted the blanket on the sofa, lowered her feet, and bent over to find her shoes.

 “Hey, where are my shoes?”

"Here they are." Leng Yanxi quickly picked up the pair of snow boots next to the sofa. "Director Zhao and the doctor were competing here just now, so I put the shoes next to them."

Leng Yanxi explained briefly and put her shoes at Ye Weiwei's feet.

At the same time, the other hand has reached out to pick up a shoe.

Leng Yanxi was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

Because she saw with her own eyes the noble, cold and arrogant Ye Xichen squatting on one knee, holding the shoe in his right hand and controlling Ye Weiwei's small foot with his left hand.

 Hel her put on her shoes gently and carefully!

Ye Xichen's movements were very familiar, and Ye Weiwei was not surprised at all. Apparently this gesture had happened more than once.

It’s really…

 It’s so shocking!

 Leng Yanxi didn’t react until Ye Xichen and Ye Weiyi left together.

She suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a man and a woman in the hospital last time. Since the man was Ye Xichen, it was very possible that the woman was Miss Qiao Ling?

Leng Yanxi is extremely envious of Ye Weiyi now.

 Everything is good, and my heart is kind.

On the way out of the bar, Ye Weiwei asked something that had been on his mind for a long time, "Brother, has that matter been resolved?"

Ye Xichen hesitated for a moment and said euphemistically, "I underestimated my father's determination to keep Su Hui's child."

It means that Ye Hantian has not wavered in his mind so far, and he is determined to keep the child.

"It's really unreasonable." Ye Weiwei scratched his hair irritably. Su Hui's face similar to his mother's appeared in his mind, and he felt very uncomfortable.

At this moment, Madam Ye suddenly contacted Ye Xichen.

The first thing he said was: "Chen'er, let's keep that woman's child for now."

 (End of this chapter)

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