My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 542: Qiao Li, my heart won't hurt, will it?

Chapter 542 Qiao Li, my heart won’t hurt, will it?

Ye Weiwei did not expect that he would meet Pei Yichen again at the corner.

Ye Xichen also chased him down from the car at this moment.

 Both of them looked at her, as if waiting for her choice.

"Miss, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Pei Yichen seemed to have turned into a butler since yesterday, always appearing next to her.

 After all, Pei Yichen is so loyal and he was always present when he was with Mrs. Qiao.

Now that Mrs. Qiao is gone, the person Pei Yichen follows becomes the only one in the night.

“Little Lingdang, the barriers you mentioned don’t exist at all, and I won’t argue with you.” He just hopes that this girl like you can always stay by his side.

Whether she says nice things or bad things, he doesn't mind!

Pei Yichen was at the side again to make his presence felt, "Miss, where do you want to go?"

Ye Weiwei raised his eyes and glanced at Pei Yichen, then looked back at Ye Xichen, and passed directly between the two of them.

Ye Xichen and Pei Yichen followed her without saying a word.

Ye Weiwei suddenly stopped and sighed deeply, "I just want to be quiet. If you follow me, there is nothing you can do."

 She just needs to think clearly.

Every time she searches for the truth, she is always a little closer. Someone is blocking her from finding out the truth, and she has been unable to resist.

Suddenly remembering what he had entrusted to Pei Yichen before, Ye Weiwei could only avoid Ye Xichen, "Brother, please go back first. Assistant Pei and I still have something to discuss."

When the words fell, she seemed to see a flash of disappointment in Ye Xichen's eyes.

 Ye Ziyi unconsciously clenched his hand.


 But the problems between them must always be resolved.

 She nervously waited for Ye Xichen's response.

If Ye Xichen tried to stay again, she would not be able to help but leave with Ye Xichen.

 However, Ye Xichen's eyes fell on her eyes for dozens of seconds, and his thin lips opened slightly, "Okay."

 After a while, I went back to the night bar.

  Supervisor Zhao was startled when he saw him.

“Hey, why did Mr. Ye come back just after he left?”

Ye Xichen walked straight to the bar, sat down there and asked the bartender to get the drinks.

 One cup after another was placed on the table, and he poured nearly ten cups down his throat in succession.

Leng Yanxi and Manager Zhao stood nearby and shivered, "Master Ye just went out with Miss Qiao, why did he come back alone to drink?"

"Do you still need to ask? I must have had a quarrel with Miss Qiao."

  Manager Zhao revealed the truth in one word.

Leng Yanxi couldn't stand it anymore, so she boldly walked over and snatched Ye Xichen's wine bottle.

“Master Ye, you don’t look good, please stop drinking.”

Ye Xichen waved away her hand without mercy, "Go away!"

 There were actually people who were not afraid of death who came to chat with me.

Annoyed Ye Xichen, he directly picked up a bottle of strong wine and entered the exclusive private room.

  Director Zhao wanted to go in, but found that he entered the wrong password?

“Director Zhao, did you remember the wrong password?”

 “Oh shit! He must have changed it when he went in just now.”

Ye Xichen is as cunning as a fox, even after drinking.

 He isolated everyone, picked up the bottle of wine, and threw it to the ground!

 He dialed the number he knew by heart.

“You always say that you can separate your feelings for me and your hatred for Yejia, but every time something about Yejia affects you, you choose to escape.”

“No matter what I do, will you only find the evidence and then take revenge on the Ye Group?”

“Qiao Li, my heart won’t hurt, will it?”

It’s all the adults’ fault, and the children have to take the blame, eh eh eh

Qixi mainly wants Xiao Lingdang to chase Brother Chen once. Do you agree?

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 (End of this chapter)

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