My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 543: Little Bell's Road to Chasing Back

Chapter 543 Little Bell’s pursuit

 “The exam begins…”

Thirty minutes later, Ye Weiwei neatly handed in the paper and ran out of the examination room. But when she arrived at Ye Xichen's examination room, the seat was empty.


Ye Weiwei stood outside the classroom and sighed.

Today is the final exam for freshmen and seniors, but freshmen have to take the exam for four days, and today is just one of the subjects.

 Senior students only take a total of two hours of exams.

 Meaning that Ye Xichen will come back to take the exam.

It just so happened that their exam coincided with Ye Xichen’s graduation exam.

She took advantage of the time and worked on the questions non-stop. The originally two-hour exam was suddenly shortened to thirty minutes before handing in the papers, but...

 “Hmph, you’re actually faster than me!”

Ye Yiyi kicked the wall and took it back with a "hiss" sound.

 Suddenly heard someone calling her name by the window?

Ye Weiwei looked inside the examination room and found Su Che winking at her.

Yewei:? ? ?

Su Che threw a small piece of paper out of the window when the invigilator wasn't paying attention. Ye Weiwei picked it up and saw that it was a complicated professional question...

Su Che meant to ask her to do the questions?

 Let her, a freshman, do the graduation exam questions for her senior year?

 This is too arrogant!

Su Che was actually gesturing to her.

Ye Weiwei walked to the railing with the question in hand, thought about it, and quickly wrote down the answer on the paper.

Just when she was about to pass it on to Su Che, the teacher who was patrolling the exam saw her standing here and came over to chase her away.

“Teacher, I am Qiao Yan, a freshman.”

The inspection teacher pushed up his glasses and took a look, and he really recognized her.

“Student Qiao, what are you doing in the exam room for your senior year?”

"Well, because I had finished the exam and happened to pass by here, I took a look out of curiosity. I'm sorry." Ye Weiwei lowered his head and looked sorry.

Teachers like excellent students, so they will not embarrass her. "It's okay, but you can't stay outside the examination room. Qiao should leave the teaching building after finishing the exam."

 “Okay, goodbye, teacher.”

There was no other way, Su Che could only watch his 10-point answer float away...

Su Che originally got into college with good grades, but in the past four years he has been losing more and more of his fighting spirit in college. Now he feels powerless when looking at his professional subjects.

 He suddenly pulled out his chair and stood up!

 In the curious eyes of the teacher and classmates, I said embarrassedly that I had to go to the toilet.

 The teacher waved his hand.

Su Che went into the toilet for a while, but when he came out, he did not return to his class immediately. Instead, he held his head high and put his hands behind his back, and walked into other people's classes.

The invigilator of this class was walking around the classroom. When he saw Su Che walking in so openly, his eyes widened.

The invigilator glanced at Su Che and saw that there was no one missing in his class, and suddenly he was not sure about Su Che's identity or purpose.

Su Che walked in the classroom in front of the invigilator, occasionally glancing at the candidates' test papers with a calm expression.

The invigilator looked at his grandeur and thought he was a teacher who came to inspect the exam. He nodded and smiled, and the two sides said hello.

 Some classmates recognized Su Che but did not dare to speak.

Some timid people just immersed themselves in the test papers.

In this way, Su Che successfully "stole" part of the answer.

 When he walked out of the classroom, the invigilator wanted to send him out.

Su Che made a stop gesture and told everyone vigorously, "Take the exam well! Pay attention to the discipline in the examination room!"

 After saying that, he turned his head outwards, and ended up...just bumping into the fat-bellied grade director!

This meme is from a picture I saw today on Chinese Valentine’s Day. It’s super funny. I posted it in the book review area. If you are interested, you can check it out~



 (End of this chapter)

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