My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 546: The painful plan of chasing your husband

Chapter 546: The Tragedy of Chasing a Husband

Ye Weiwei broke his chopsticks with one hand, but Ye Xichen just glanced at it indifferently.

If this were the case in the past, he would definitely ask her if there was something wrong with her hand!

But Bai Junruo was about to ring the bell to summon the waiter, "Miss Qiao, please change a pair of chopsticks."

Ye Weiwei put down the broken chopsticks and said in a shallow voice, "No need, I've already eaten."

 “But I see that you hardly eat.”

 “Maybe I’m not in the mood.”

The conversation between her and Bai Yunruo was really light and calm, with no anger or unreasonableness, and no hidden murderous intentions.

When you quarrel with the person you like, don't make unreasonable arguments when he is really angry, because that will not get any benefit and will easily make people bored.

Ye Youyi is coquettish, but not unreasonable.

 It’s more appropriate to be a sad weakling now, to make your presence felt but not annoying.

Bai Junruo didn't ask her why she was in a bad mood, but just looked at the delicious food on the table and told her, "Food makes people happy both physically and mentally."

 Ye Weiwei smiled slightly in response.

 When looking at people, the first glance is very important.


Divorcing her topic, Bai Yunruo invited Ye Xichen again, "Young Master Ye, what did I mention just now?"

Ye Weiwei held her hand tightly and found that there was nothing she could squeeze to burst...

 Then I heard Ye Xichen respond, "Wait until I confirm the itinerary for that day."

 “OK, waiting for your good news.”

Ye Weiwei remained silent until Ye Xichen sent Bai Yunruo to the car.

She followed Ye Xichen, but found that the man was walking very fast with his long legs and suddenly moved several meters away.

 Each time you trot to catch up, each step you take will open up a small distance.

Ye Xichen walked in front refreshed, even though Ye was the only one with good physical strength, he was out of breath chasing after him.

I really couldn’t catch up, so I could only shout: “Brother, you are walking too fast.”

no response?



She fell to the ground numbly, her hands touching her ankles.

The man in front finally stopped, turned around in Ye Weiyi's eyes full of joy, looked at each other for about ten seconds, and then...

 The car is coming!

Yewei:? ? !

 Can she fire this driver temporarily?

Pretending that her feet hurt, Ye Xichen sent her back to school.

Ye Weiyi stayed in the car and refused to leave, "I won't go back to school."

Ye Xichen responded indifferently, "I don't have time to take care of you."

 “I can take care of myself.”

Even though it was useless to protest, she was sent back to the dormitory by Ye Xichen.

Xia Xiyun came down to pick her up. He heard that she sprained her foot and was still concerned about her.

 Compare again to Ye Xichen…


Going up the stairs, Ye Weiwei's feet suddenly healed.

Xia Xiyun hadn’t reacted yet, “Qiaoqiao, your feet?”

"I'm fine, I'm fine." He told Xia Xiyun clearly and walked back to the dormitory angrily.

 Gong Qianli asked her to report on the battle situation in the evening, and Ye Weiyi suffered many defeats.

“Isn’t that right? You don’t ask if your ankle is twisted? The only thing you did this time is that you made Brother Chen a little bit miserable...”

 “I’m also very desperate, I will continue to conquer tomorrow.”

“Listen to me, give me some medicine now, and walk around in front of him with a limp tomorrow.”

 “Isn’t this too obvious?”

“You don’t care if it’s obvious or not, the key point is whether Brother Chen is going to suffer or not!”

"you're right."

Ye Weiwei hurriedly found some medicine and applied it, treating himself as if he was injured.

Xia Xiyun looked at it in the morning and said, "Qiaoqiao, why are you lame again?"

  It’s okay, there are still tricks for Chinese Valentine’s Day! Teach you tips on how to uniform your boyfriend~ Meow



 (End of this chapter)

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