My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 547: She is also beautiful

Chapter 547 She is also beautiful

 “My foot... hurts!” If she wants to pretend, everyone will know that she has a sprained foot.

Just hoping that some people's talk would reach Ye Xichen's ears.

 Now she looks like "it's difficult to walk, so pitiful" in front of everyone.

 She felt quite guilty when her classmates showed concern, but she could only nod and thank you, "Thank you, it's not serious."

Su Yichen passed by her table and threw a small bottle to her without stopping.

 Ye Weiwei picked it up and saw that it was an ointment specifically designed to treat bruises and sprains.


 Since the birthday party, she and Su Yichen have not spoken another word.

  Obviously we are in the same class, but we never seem to see each other.

 Some people are like this. They don’t want you to notice them. Even if they walk by you, they don’t have any sense of existence.

Ye Weiwei lamely put the things back where Su Yichen was.

Su Yichen saw the ointment on the table when he came in, and glanced back. Ye Weiwei raised the book high to cover his face, and then...

 Then the exam started.

There was an exam in the morning and another in the afternoon. This time she did not leave early, but sat down until the last second.

The invigilator looked at her several times, and she expressed her helplessness because Xia Xiyun, who asked her to wait, was so slow that she handed in the paper last.

 The entire day, Ye Xichen really didn't call to care about her... feet.

 I have never felt so lost.

 This time he really didn't care about her.

But she will never give up!

 She would run to the company after exams these days. Today she stopped acting cute and went back to her fairy style.

 Wearing a white woolen coat on the outside and a dress on the inside, part of her long and straight thighs are exposed. She looks really... full of beauty.

 The long hair from her forehead to her ears was tied into a braid and pinned back. The hairpin was one of the many accessories Ye Xichen had given her.

With her wavy curls draped behind her shoulders, she is a goddess of 1.67 meters tall, and she is dressed in a slightly mature but not old-fashioned outfit. She is a charming girl with an outstanding temperament.

Of course...ignoring her limping leg...

“Miss Qiao, what’s wrong with your legs?”

"Ms. Qiao, are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

The words of concern became more and more exaggerated, and Ye Weiwei responded briefly, refusing to explain too clearly.

Finally, she slowly turned to the office as a patient. She held her hand at the door and happened to see Bai Yunruo walking out of it.

 The two of them met each other.

Ye could not tell when the only time she stood still was when Bai Yunruo nodded with her and entered the elevator.

Ye Xichen has no work at the moment and is simply packing the things on the table.

"Ahem." Ye Weiyi made a deliberate sound and limped in.

“Brother, have you thought about the things you said you were considering before?”

"I do not know what you are talking about."

 “Then, are you still going to that dance?”

 “I would go, but you don’t seem to be able to.”

 “Ha, prom!” What’s wrong with her? She’s pretending to have foot pain. How can she attend the dance if her feet hurt!

 “It doesn’t exist, my feet are healed.”


 She jumped up and down a few times in front of Ye Xichen, her legs were flexible and there was no problem!

 “Look, it’s really good!”

 It's not "Ah...", it's "Ah!"

  Because of the jump just now, her legs went weak.

He touched it with his hand and moved his foot. She seemed to have really... twisted it.

 “Brother, this time it’s true.”

 “I will ask the secretary to take you to deal with it.”

Today I went out on Chinese Valentine's Day to date a bunch of girls wearing Hanfu. When we walked together, I felt like fairies descended to earth. Hahaha. I will share the photos with you in the group tonight.



 (End of this chapter)

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