My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 548: I choose bread, not love

Chapter 548 I choose bread, not love

 Suddenly I feel so desperate...

What's even more desperate is that the dance is tomorrow, and her foot is swollen.

 The only thing that could comfort her was that she also received an invitation to the dance.

Even if Ye Xichen doesn't take her there, she can go by herself.

 “That’s not right!” Although you can go by yourself, most people bring dance partners.

So the question is, who is Ye Xichen’s favorite dance partner? Bai Junruo?

Relying on superhuman memory, she silently recited Bai Yunruo's contact information. She tried her best in a tactful way, and Bai Yunruo answered very cleverly.

  In the end, Bai Junruo said something with unclear meaning, "Miss Qiao, you are just confused."

 Because my mind is confused, I cannot make the most accurate judgment.

Ye Weiwei lay down in the dormitory all morning, looking listless.

 “Qiaoqiao, aren’t you going back during the winter vacation?”

 “There’s a dance tonight.”

"Prom! What kind of dance?" Xia Xiyun suddenly became interested.

“It seems to be that group of successful young people, I don’t know very well.”

 Her heart has been focused on Ye Xichen recently, and she has no time to think about the dance. She will go there eventually.

“That sounds great, Qiaoqiao, can you take me there?”

“Want to go there? You can’t live broadcast there.”

“If you don’t live broadcast, it’s better to see the world. Maybe you can find a rich second generation to fall in love with~”

 “Are you looking for someone to fall in love with?”


“Don’t you have a male god? That Han Xingye, don’t you like him very much?”

“The male **** belongs to the male god, and the male protagonist can only look up to her and dare not ask for anything.” After all, she is actually a person who pursues real material things.

"As for me, although I like those lofty lights, I can still distinguish the gap between reality and ideals. For example, when it comes to love and bread, I will definitely choose bread. Illusive things cannot be eaten. "

 “You...make sense.”

 Completely irrefutable.

“So Qiaoqiao, can you take me to the dance?”


  She would go alone anyway, it would not be easy for two people to be embarrassed.


 After receiving the reply, Xia Xiyun immediately opened the wardrobe and started looking for clothes. She put on makeup and looked brand new.

Luo Yuxi raised her head from the computer and saw Leng Ruxue across from her, and suddenly said something to her privately: "Being friends with Qiao Qiao, but letting Qiao Qiao take her to those places is clearly taking advantage of Qiao Qiao."

Leng Ruxue quickly replied: "That was also Qiaoqiao's voluntary choice."

Yeye is very smart, but it depends on whether she is willing to do those things.

Luo Yuxi’s momentary greed ruined her most precious friendship.

By the time Xia Xiyun finished packing, there were still two hours before the show started.

Luo Yuxi and Leng Ruxue have left the dormitory, but Ye Weiyi is still lying there.

“Qiaoqiao, what are you doing? Do you need to dress up your natural beauty?”

“Look at me, jio, I can’t dance, so what’s the use of dressing up.”

 “A woman should look after someone who pleases her.”

"You're right!" Thinking about it, there must have been many people staring at Ye Xichen. She wanted to compare with all those possible love rivals!

 Appearance, temperament, clothing.

 Ye Weiwei went to the apartment with Xia Xiyun. She spent a long time selecting in the wardrobe and settled on a blue tube top.

She went to the bathroom to change her clothes and saw Xia Xiyun standing by her shoe cabinet, holding on to a pair of pearly white high heels.

 “Qiaoqiao, you are so beautiful.”

 “You still have an hour to put on your makeup.”

Ye Weiwei quickly rubbed his face, Xia Xiyun leaned against the window and took a casual look, "Oh, it seems like...your brother's car is coming outside?"

 (End of this chapter)

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