My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 549: The little fairy is actually disabled

Chapter 549 The little fairy is actually disabled

 Ye Xichen's car drove to the apartment?

Just when hope arose in Ye Weiwei's heart, the car drove directly into the underground garage, and she didn't receive any call after she finished putting on makeup.

Xia Xiyun waved his hand and said he would go into battle in person!

Xia Xiyun, who had already obtained her driver's license, was about to take Ye Weiwei to the dance venue when the driver appeared out of nowhere and patted the car window.

"Miss, you can't drive this car casually. Wherever you want to go, I will take you there."

 “Oh **** ho.”

Hearing the driver's "request", Xia Xiyun gave up his seat.

The two of them were sitting in the back seat. Xia Xiyun turned his head and whispered in Ye Weiyi's ear, "It's a routine at first glance. It's 100% what Ye Xichen ordered."

 “What is it?” Ye Weiwei was secretly happy.

The car drove over and found that the uncle driver was very familiar with the venue... He had indeed been here a long time ago.

 “Qiaoqiao, I suddenly feel a little nervous.”

 “It’s okay, you see I’m still lame now.”

Humbling in, even the etiquette lady at the door looked at her twice.

 Hand over a red invitation directly, the etiquette lady invites you in politely.

Ye Weiwei walked in and indeed attracted most of the attention, because her feet...

“Look at the girl from whose family that is. She has a really good appearance and temperament.”

 “So what if it’s not bad? It looks like he’s disabled.”

 “Alas, what a pity.”

 Such a beautiful girl, but there is no male companion around her. If she were not a "disabled" person, those young men would have flocked to her.

 However, there are still some people who can't resist the temptation of beauty and get close with excuses.

Ye Weiwei pretended to talk to Xia Xiyun in front of his own face and quietly slipped into the corner.

“Yun, you can go and play by yourself for a while, the person I’m waiting for hasn’t come yet.”

Ye Xichen hasn't arrived here yet, and she doesn't want to be lame and wandering around in the crowd.

Xia Xiyun refused to leave, "I'm not in a hurry, I can't leave you here alone."

“It’s very safe here, go ahead and call if you need anything.”

 Ye Weiwei really doesn’t seem to need anyone’s company, but although Xia Xiyun talks about “catching a rich husband”, she is very moral!

Just when the two friends were thinking about each other, a shadow came over them.

 Looking up, he saw that it was Xu Tangxi.

 “Sister Qiao Lian, are you here alone?”

Ye Weiwei pointed at Xia Xiyun, indicating that this person was his companion.

Xu Tangxi asked again: "Are you waiting for Ye Xichen? His dance partner tonight has been determined for a long time."

Ye Weiyi said without changing his expression, "I didn't say anything. Sister Xu is overthinking."

 Xu Tangxi achieved his goal and did not stay for a moment longer.

She is so beautiful that people will talk to her even when she is hiding in a corner.

At this moment, someone came over and invited them to drink with two glasses of wine.

Xia Xiyun, who is good at sociability, quickly got the person's business card, but also skillfully sent him away.

Xia Xiyun put the business card into his bag nonchalantly and put the unfinished wine beside him.

 “Why, you didn’t like that one just now?”

 “My appearance is not good enough, it doesn’t match me.”

 This means that Xia Xiyun passed that person directly.

 Ye Weiwei counted the time, "There are ten minutes left, why haven't you come yet?"

Xia Xiyun asked tentatively: "What if Ye Xichen brings a female companion?"

Ye Youwei breathed a sigh of relief and clenched his fists confidently, "Then I'll **** him away!"

Xia Xiyun suddenly stretched his neck, poked Ye's only shoulder with his right hand, looked straight ahead, "Here we come..."

 “I’m not alone…”

 (End of this chapter)

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