My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 550: Wife stareer

Chapter 550: Wife Staring Maniac

Ye Xichen really didn’t come alone.

At the same time, Bai Junruo also walked into the dance hall.

 But the man on Bai Junruo's someone else.

Ye Xichen did not come alone, because there were three people who entered the venue together!

One is Ye Xichen, the other is Bai Yunruo, and there is a man holding hands with Bai Yunruo.

Ye Weiyi didn’t know him, but that man’s temperament was extraordinary, and he was no less impressive than Ye Xichen.

 They are different types of handsome, charming and eye-catching.

Ye Weiwei suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Ye Xichen didn’t bring a dance partner with him!

 However, this place has never been short of enthusiastic people and people with ulterior motives. Ye Xichen came in alone, so he must be very popular!

 Seeing those different types of women approaching Ye Xichen in various ways, Ye Weiyi lay behind and stared closely through the gap.

 “Qiaoqiao, go, it will be too late if you don’t go.”

 “Let me observe the enemy’s situation again.”

"What are you observing? Just go up!" Xia Xiyun suddenly pulled Ye Weiwei up domineeringly and pushed him forward gently...

Ye Weiwei took a step forward with a limp foot, and everyone around her cast curious glances at her.

Of course, when she raised her head, the eyes of those people could not conceal their amazement.

“Which family does this belong to? I’ve never seen it before.”

“Every year, different beauties come. It’s normal if I haven’t seen her before. But I think she has something wrong with her feet. I don’t know if it’s an accidental injury or a disability.”

“Let’s go and find out. Even if he is disabled, he still looks good.”

They were looking at Ye Weiwei with the intention of "playing" and "flirting". They saw that she was alone without a male companion, and that other men had the courage to get close to her.

Ye Weiyi originally wanted to look for Ye Xichen, but he was stopped before he took a few steps.

Those people asked her about her identity and name, expressing that she wanted to get acquainted.

Ye Xichen could only hear the calluses in her ears, going in with her left ear and coming out with the right ear, but Ye Xichen didn't come over to help her get rid of these annoying flies.

Ye Xichen suddenly changed his position, and Bai Yunruo stood next to him.

Ye Youyi’s little heart was raised, and he limped out of the crowd, "Sorry, I have to go find my companion, excuse me."

 “Nice to see you tonight…”

The host came on stage and gave a lot of official opening remarks, and the crowd that had dispersed slowly gathered together.

Ye Weiwei hadn't found Ye Xichen yet, but the crowd came over and she was immediately submerged in the crowd.

"Brother..." She shouted weakly, and suddenly someone touched her back.

 A creepy feeling arose throughout my body.

 There is no familiar security, there is a stranger standing behind her.

Looking back, he didn't find anything strange. Ye Weiwei stepped on his feet in the crowd, and when he stepped on his feet, it hurt the sprained area.

She wanted to walk away, but she always felt a depressing aura following behind her.

Finally unable to bear it any longer, she suddenly turned around and wanted to catch the sneaky person behind her!

 But I heard a small exclamation.

I saw Ye Xichen clasping the wrist of a man with glasses and sternly saying one word: "Get out!"

Ye Weiwei stared at Ye Xichen, as if everything around him was quiet.

“In order to increase everyone’s interest, let’s play a game. There is a beam of light in the venue, which can move in every area of ​​the venue. When the light stops on their head, they will bring the first opening dance!”

As soon as the host in the center of the stage finished speaking, the lights suddenly dimmed several times.

 The beam began to move rapidly around the field.

   Brother Chen is actually a hidden wife-watcher.



 (End of this chapter)

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