My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 563: The murderer is...

Chapter 563 The murderer is...

“Nurse Zhang, how are you feeling now?”

 “Thank you, Miss Qiao, for your concern.”

"I said, just admit your mistakes and correct them." She still smiled and spoke, but no one could see the coldness hidden in her eyes.

It was good to know the mistakes and correct them, but she was not so kind-hearted as to let Nurse Zhang go.

 No matter what reason Nurse Zhang had, it could never change the fact that she drugged Mrs. Qiao!

If it weren’t for those cold food powder, grandma wouldn’t have died!

 When she thinks of this, she will feel endless hatred in her heart, and she will never give up until she finds the murderer!

“Nurse Zhang, I see that you are in a stable mood now. You should be able to tell us the truth about the mastermind behind this. Who is the initiator?”

"Yes..." Nurse Zhang's eyes wandered around, and finally landed on Pei Yichen.

 The only gaze that had been following her all night fell on Pei Yichen's face.

Pei Yichen felt uncomfortable being stared at by the two people, and quickly reached out to cover his face, "It has nothing to do with me."

Pei Yichen was the first to declare. Ye Weiwei shook his head and did not doubt him.

“Nurse Zhang, you might as well just say it.”

“Actually, the person who asked me to give Mrs. Qiao medicine contacted me on the phone. I have never seen that person, let alone her identity.”

"You don't even know who the other person is, why did you agree to do such a thing for him?" Ye Weiwei couldn't control his emotions.

Pei Yichen reminded her calmly from behind, "Miss, please be patient."

Ye Weiwei took a deep breath and said, "Nurse Zhang, I have always felt guilty about what happened to grandma. If you are determined to repent, I hope you can try your best to help us."

Nurse Zhang said: "The person who contacted me was a woman. She must have changed her voice deliberately. I couldn't tell her age."

Pei Yichen questioned this: "Since you said that person used a voice changer, why not just change his personality?"

 This analysis is reasonable and this factor cannot be ruled out.

  Ye Weiwei nodded and asked her to continue telling what she knew.

Nurse Zhang gradually revealed some information. Although it was incomplete, it was still a clue.

After saying that, Nurse Zhang began to cry and admit her mistake again, "Ms. Qiao, I was obsessed with that matter. Please don't blame me."

“…” Ye Weiwei didn’t make any promise to her.

 “Why take that money?”

Nurse Zhang cried, "At that time, I was diagnosed with a heart problem, but I didn't have money to treat the disease and maintain my health. Until that person showed up, she generously provided me with funds. I was afraid of death, so I...I accepted that People’s help.”

 Accepting that person's help is equivalent to agreeing to that person's conditions, and that's why he mixed Hanshi Powder into Mrs. Qiao's medicine.

"I was really careful to only use a little bit each time, and I didn't follow the person's instructions to continue taking the medicine. I only used it five times. I just wanted to get money for treatment. Later, when things were exposed, the person asked me to resign immediately. When I left the hospital, I left as soon as I was scared.”

 “Then why did you come back?”

“This has always been my root. I thought no one would hold me accountable after being gone for so long.”

 It’s a pity that Nurse Zhang was unlucky and underestimated their determination to find out the truth!

 Ye Weiwei and Pei Yichen left the ward after the interrogation.

“Who does the lady think Nurse Zhang is talking about?”

“If you ask me to tell you, the first thing I think of is Li Moer!”

 (End of this chapter)

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