My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 564: Try it with her

Chapter 564 Try to find her

 “Go and check Li Moer’s recent movements.”

 “Miss Mo’er once visited my wife despite the wind and rain, and everyone could see her feelings.”

“When things go to extremes, they must be reversed. Assistant Pei, didn’t you say that everything is up to me?”

Pei Yichen hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement, "Yes."

Thinking that Pei Yichen and others had been bribed by Li Moer, Ye Weiwei could only guess.

Li Mo'er is the kind of person who leaves his biological parents because of the prosperity and reputation of the Ye family, even though his parents are still alive. When she heard something was going on with the Li family, she only cared about her identity as the daughter of the Ye family and did not get involved.

A person who doesn't even care about her own blood relatives would really be so attentive to an old man who has taken care of her for a year or two?

 “What are you thinking about, so lost in thought?”

 “Brother, you’re still here.”

"I told you that I would come to see you." Ye Xichen subconsciously held her shoulders and asked meaningfully: "Has there been any progress with grandma's affairs?"

Ye Weiwei nodded and shook his head.

“Nurse Zhang said someone was instigating the incident, but she was contacted through a mobile phone and a voice changer, so she didn’t know who was behind it.”

“So now, the clue is broken?”

"Not necessarily. Grandma has always been friendly to others and never deliberately made grudges with others. The person who attacked her must be someone familiar with her and should be very familiar with grandma's physical condition."

 Because he understands the physical condition, he will do things at specific times.

Ye Weiwei thought seriously and tried hard to find some useful news.

Ye Xichen sighed silently when he saw her serious look and her firm determination to find out the truth.

He didn't know whether it was right or wrong to let Ye Weiyi pursue the investigation.

 But maybe he really did something wrong.

 But there is no turning back for him!

 “Okay, don’t think about it, this kind of thing can’t be rushed.”

“No, no, no, I still have to talk to the nurse. Since there have been transactions and connections, even if they are destroyed, we can always find some.”

They checked the records through Nurse Zhang’s account and mobile phone. Those records had been canceled and the address could not be found. After tracing the identity, they found that they were forged.

 The person behind this has this ability, which shows that there is no shortage of money.

 Why would you harm an old man if you don’t lack money?

 Many questions circled Ye Weiwei's mind over and over again.

“It should be very simple, but unexpectedly, the key point went wrong in that link...”

It was as if there was a thread connecting all the things she wanted, but she couldn't find the end of the thread, so the following things were connected one after another.

“Miss, I found out that Miss Mo’er recently went abroad with the Li family.”

 “What? Go abroad!”

Don't go early or leave, just leave at this time.

Pei Yichen continued to report: "According to verification, the Li family moved abroad to settle down."

“What about Li Mo’er? Has she returned to the Li family?”

“This news is not yet certain. I don’t know whether she is visiting for a short time or going to settle abroad.”

Ye Weiwei clasped his hands tightly, thought about it again and again, and suddenly said, "I want to go back to the place where grandma lived before."

Pei Yichen was a little embarrassed, "But Miss, that place has not been inhabited for a long time and has been covered in dust."

"It's okay. Since you can't figure out the clues, let's check it again from the beginning!"

The sky net is sparse and not leaking.

 In the afternoon of that day, Pei Yichen took Ye Weiwei back to the place where Mrs. Qiao once lived.

 That is, the place where the incident occurred.

 (End of this chapter)

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