My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 571: Ye Xichen was the accomplice who killed your grandma

Chapter 571 Ye Xichen is the accomplice who killed your grandma

Li Moer deliberately turned on the speakerphone, "Brother Chen, I'm very grateful that you concealed the truth about Mrs. Qiao falling downstairs and Nurse Zhang drugging me, but it's a pity that it seems to be exposed this time."

“Brother Chen, you must help me.”

Li Moer kept crying.

Ye Weiyi heard Ye Xichen’s familiar voice coming from the loudspeaker, “Li Mo’er, I said, there will be no third time!”

“Brother Chen, help people to the end and send Buddha to the West. If I are caught by Ye Yiyi, you will be responsible for it. Do you hope that I will accidentally reveal the things you helped me to Ye Yiyi?”

Li Moer suppressed the anger in her heart and the discomfort in her body. She spoke at the same volume as usual, but it was enough for Ye Weiyi, who was only a door away from her, to hear clearly.

Ye Xichen was silent for a while before asking: "Where are you now?"

Li Moer also expected Ye Xichen to say a few more words for Ye Weiwei to hear clearly, but he didn't expect the topic to change so quickly.

Li Moer can no longer resist, so there is no need for another person to join in the fun.

Just when she was about to tell her the name of the hotel, Ye Weiwei suddenly opened the door, snatched her cell phone and hung up the call.

 “Ye Weiwei, you’ve gone too far!”

Li Moer wanted to pounce on him again.

 As a result, before Ye Youwei could take action, Li Moer had already taken two steps back.

She leaned against the wall and pulled on her coat, feeling her whole body heat up and her mind gradually becoming confused.

Seeing her taking off her clothes, Pei Yichen quickly turned his back.

Ye Weiwei stared at Li Mo'er coldly and told Pei Yichen calmly, "It's the cold food powder in her body that has taken effect."

“Miss, why did you hang up the phone just now? We can obviously hear more truth.”

"More truth? Do you think Ye Xichen is stupid? He may have noticed it when Li Moer said those two sentences."

 Ye Xichen is such a smart person and is very sensitive to changes in people's language and expressions.

For someone like Li Moer, the first words she says are sinister and weird, which is her true nature, but if she emphasizes it multiple times, there is definitely something wrong.

Ye Xichen must have noticed it before asking for their address.

"It seems that Ye Xichen is an accomplice!" Pei Yichen finally caught Ye Xichen's handle, which gave him more reason to attack Ye Xichen. "Miss, we really misjudged the wrong person before."

But Ye Weiwei, who had been calm and rational in taking revenge just now, seemed to have suddenly lost his life.

 She kept shaking her head in denial, "I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

“Brother Chen can’t possibly help Li Mo’er. He also hates Li Mo’er! How could he help Li Mo’er to harm my grandma?”

 Ye Weiwei has always been convinced that Ye Xichen will not hurt her. It is so rare to have wholehearted trust. How dare she believe Li Moer's words.

 She stubbornly believed that Li Mo'er was sowing discord, but her reaction before and after listening to the phone call already showed her attitude.

At first she didn't have any doubts, but after that phone call, the familiar voice kept lingering in her ears.

Pei Yichen continued: "If he is an accomplice, then he is also the one who killed your grandma."

"He won't. I believe he is not that kind of person. Grandma has no enmity with him. Why would he help Li Moer harm grandma?"

“Miss, please recognize the reality, or call Ye Xichen in person now and confront him to see if he dares to admit the dirty things he has done!”

 (End of this chapter)

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