My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 572: I believe in him! Convinced

 Chapter 572 I believe him! Convinced

"No, I believe him." Ye Weiwei replied firmly, clasping his hands together.

Li Moer, half undressed, rushed towards Pei Yichen and shamelessly shouted "Brother Chen".

The unprepared Pei Yichen was suddenly attacked.

 Before, Ye Weiwei still had the heart to watch a good show, but now when she heard Li Moer hugging Pei Yichen and shouting "Brother Chen" because of hallucinations, she really wanted to punch him!

I thought so and did it!

Ye Weiwei held Li Moer's singlet with one hand and pulled her back, pushing her out.

Li Mo'er didn't react in time and fell directly to the bed.


Li Moer is still reacting and knows the pain.

 The medicinal effect of Hanshi Powder made her body feel hot and had a short-term hallucinogenic effect.

Li Moer regarded Pei Yichen as Ye Xichen, but she still recognized Ye Weiwei's enemy clearly.

“You are the only one who dares to push me!”

Hearing Li Moer point his finger at her and say harsh words, I thought Li Moer was going to pounce on her as rudely as before, but who knew the next second...

Li Moer simply sat down on the ground and continued to complain, thinking Pei Yichen was Ye Xichen.

“Brother Chen, look at her, look at Ye Weiwei, she pushed me! She is not a weak and well-behaved person, she is violent and vicious, now you should believe what I say.”

Ye Weiwei really sat there crying.

This scene surprised Pei Yichen and Ye Yiyi.

Pei Yichen, who was innocently victimized, was so ashamed that he really wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

Ye Weiwei pointed at Li Moer and said, "Video her appearance."

 It cannot be refuted.

Pei Yichen could only pick up his mobile phone and take a picture of Li Moer's act.

Pei Yichen opened one eye, but still thought it was more pleasing to see Ye Weiwei standing there with his hands folded.

 “Miss, what are we going to do next?”

 In response to Pei Yichen's question, Ye Weiwei only answered one word: "Wait."

Pei Yichen frowned at Li Moer and asked, "Wait? Do we have to wait here until the effect of Li Moer's medicine wears off?"

"No." Ye Weiwei sighed and told Pei Yichen frankly, "Ye Xichen is coming soon."

“Ye Xichen? We didn’t tell him the address just now.”

“Assistant Pei, what kind of person do you think Ye Xichen is? He just had a phone call with Li Moer, and it’s easy to find our location.”

“Just in time, we can confront Li Mo’er when he comes!”

Pei Yichen's certainty that Ye Xichen was an accomplice made Ye Weiwei feel repulsed.

She immediately retorted: "I said, I believe him."

Pei Yichen, however, was convinced, "Miss heard Ye Xichen admit with her own ears that she had helped Li Mo'er twice. Don't deceive yourself anymore."

Ye Weiwei clenched his fists, and even if he heard it with his own ears, he still firmly believed that Ye Xichen would not do anything to hurt him, "Even if my brother did something, there must be his reasons, and he would not do it intentionally. Hurt me and my family!”

 But these words of defense for Ye Xichen made Pei Yichen very unhappy.

Pei Yichen was already dissatisfied with the Ye family, and now he was holding on to Ye Xichen's handle, "Is it because you and Ye Xichen have a close relationship, Miss, that you don't want to have anything to do with his wife's death?" Admit it? Both the Ye family and his wife have bad intentions, and I don’t think the son they gave birth to will be any better!”

“Pei Yichen, please stop talking!”

 “Sorry, I was impulsive.”

 “Dong dong dong—”

 There is a knock on the door.

somebody is coming.

The kind side of Little Lingdang is: she does what she can for her friends, she may feel pity for strangers, and she is even more paranoid towards those she cares about.

But at the same time, she can be ruthless towards her enemies and will never be as cruel as her mother-in-law.



 (End of this chapter)

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