My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 573: Can't be honest with each other

Chapter 573 Unable to be frank

The person standing outside the door was indeed Ye Xichen.

Pei Yichen immediately put away his cell phone and rushed forward, but Ye Weiyi opened and closed the door faster than him.

 “Bang bang bang—”

Pei Yichen was locked in the house.

At this moment, the only person standing outside was face to face with Ye Xichen.

"Let's go." Ye Xichen pulled her into the newly opened room next door and locked the door.

 Ye Youwei stood with her back to the door. She didn't want to believe that she now had the answer.

 “You are here.”

Ye Xichen came to him directly, which meant that what Li Moer said was true.

 She has a brain and can think, but sometimes she pretends not to know.

 What she believes now is that Ye Xichen has a last resort.

Ye Xichen grabbed her arm with both hands and said anxiously as if he was afraid she would run away: "Little bell, listen to my explanation."

There is no such thing as covering your ears and shaking your head saying you don't listen!

Ye Youwei looked at him calmly, as if he was ready to listen carefully, "Okay, I'll listen."

 “I never wanted to hurt your grandma.”

 “Why do you want to help Li Mo’er?”

 In fact, Ye Xichen doesn't know what Li Mo'er said to her now, and Ye Xichen doesn't dare to reveal everything.

"Tell me first, what did Li Mo'er tell you? I won't deny what I have done, but if she is the one who instigates discord, I will definitely explain it to you clearly."

“Li Moer said that when we were trying to find out the truth about grandma falling downstairs that day, it was you who helped cover up the evidence. He also said that you knew about Nurse Zhang’s drugging, but you didn’t tell me.”

 “I don’t deny these two points.”


"I owe Li Mo'er a favor. Helping her hide the truth was a deal."

 In fact, it’s not a favor, it’s just to keep Li Mo’er silent.

“Concealing the truth is a favor, but what if you don’t report it after knowing it?”

"When I knew that Li Mo'er bribed Nurse Zhang to give cold food powder to the wet nurse, it was already too late. I couldn't stop it." If he had known it from the beginning, he would never have allowed Li Mo'er to kill Ye's only blood relative. .

 But now, what he thinks is that it is better to do less than to do more.

Who knows, Ye is the only stubborn person to find out the truth.

 In fact, he should have thought of this a long time ago, otherwise Ye Weiwei would not be stubborn in getting back what belongs to Qiao.

"But, you clearly know that Li Mo'er has evil intentions, why don't you give us a hint? Let that bad woman stay with grandma! You are so smart, how could you not think that people like Li Mo'er can't be kind!"

Ye Xichen narrowed his eyes and said, "I'm sorry, but that's the end of the matter."

Ye Xichen’s explanation was unclear.

Ye Weiwei shook his head, "Brother, do you know what has happened? Just now I swore to others that I believed in you!"

"How I wish you wouldn't rush to explain in such a hurry, because that would prove that you have a clear conscience. How I wish you had to explain it out of necessity, but in the end you just let it go."

Ye Xichen couldn't help but increase his strength, "You should know that there are few people in this world worth my time."

 The only thing I can feel is night.

"I know that you have always been indifferent to people who have nothing to do with you, but that person is my grandma. You helped Li Mo'er, but you killed my grandma's life."

 “Little bell, I’m sorry.”

 “I don’t need your apology, brother, I just want a reasonable explanation.”

 “I can’t say.”

“Is it because you can’t say it or you dare not say it?”

 (End of this chapter)

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