My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 575: Give me back the bell

Chapter 575 Give me back the bell

"Do you know how I deal with those who hurt me? I gave Li Mo'er some cold food powder."

This is the only time Ye has revealed her dark side in front of Ye Xichen. She said: "Those who are against me say that I am bad and that I use my appearance to disguise my ugly heart."

But she didn’t feel angry at all when she heard those words, because she was not the little fairy that others praised, nor the little lady who others thought was cute and gentle.

“I’m the kind of person who can’t get rid of the dirt in his eyes. He is very petty. If anyone offends me, I will pay them back.”

Ye Xichen listened to her words carefully and was not afraid.

He asked back: "Are you telling me this to remind me to prepare for your revenge?"

Ye Weiwei shook his head, "How could I bear to retaliate against you? It was a mistake for you to conceal the truth, and it was a mistake for you not to report the truth after knowing it. But in the final analysis, it seems that it is all because you care too much about me."

 This is not coquettishness or confession, but she is telling the truth.

 The tone is dull and the words have no deep meaning.

Ye Xichen hugged her directly and said, "I'm sorry, I never thought of hurting your family."

Ye Weiwei choked up, "I believe everything you say. I hope there are no lies."

She believes it regardless of whether it is true or false, but no one likes to be deceived. The two are not contradictory, and they truly reflect Ye Weiwei's tangled heart.

She was hesitant and confused, not knowing what attitude to use to face Ye Xichen.

It was Pei Yichen who called to look for someone, "Miss, Li Mo'er has fainted."

"Wait a minute, I'll be here right away." Ye Weiwei put away his sobs.

Ye Xichen reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, but Ye Weiyi glanced away without trace, and raised his hand to wipe the tears.

She held the handle and opened the door. She turned her back to Ye Xichen and said, "You are at fault, but I am not qualified to blame you. Let's talk about it after I handle Li Moer's matter."

After Ye Weiwei left, Ye Xichen’s palms clenched tightly into fists.

Ye Weiwei entered the room where Li Moer was, but Pei Yichen came out.

Pei Yichen met Ye Xichen standing at the door unexpectedly.

The two looked at each other, and Pei Yichen smiled coolly and said lightly: "What you are relying on now is just Miss's dependence on you for many years. When these old feelings are exhausted, Miss will sooner or later recognize the coldness of your Ye family!"

Not to be outdone, Ye Xichen shot back a sharp look, "We don't need outsiders to worry about our affairs!"

 “Young Master Ye is still arrogant.”

 Two men facing each other?

Ye Weiwei suddenly opened the door, glanced at the two of them, and said, "Come in," without naming them.

 Two men walked in.

Ye Weiwei said to Pei Yichen: "Take Li Mo'er to your apartment."

Pei Yichen asked: "What else is Miss going to do?"

"It would be too easy for her to send her directly to the police station. I have other arrangements." Ye Weiwei no longer concealed himself in front of Ye Xichen.

Before Pei Yichen could take action, Ye Xichen took the initiative and asked, "Xiao Lingdang, you can take her to our apartment for your convenience."

Pei Yichen said sarcastically, "Forget it, Master Ye, maybe if we enter your territory, you can just let him go, and we will lose more than we gain."

Ye Weiyi also politely rejected Ye Xichen and said, "This is a matter of the Qiao family, we can handle it ourselves."

“Also, could you please give me back my bell?”

  Don't panic!

It’s understandable that it’s difficult to accept it for a while. There are reasons for returning the bell. It doesn’t mean that we are severing all ties.



 (End of this chapter)

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