My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 576: Ye Xichen’s birthmark

Chapter 576 Ye Xichen’s Birthmark

Ye Xichen returned to Ye's house and took out Ye's only bell bracelet.

 He took the initiative and said, "I'll deliver the bell to you personally."

Ye Weiwei hesitated for a moment, but finally refused, "Okay."

Li Moer was imprisoned by her. She struggled hard at first, but finally gave up.

Ye Weiwei refused to give her food, so she could only argue with words, "Ye Weiwei, you imprisoned me privately, you are also committing a crime!"

Ye Weiwei suddenly frowned, "Why did I forget this?"

Li Moer sneered after hearing this, "Humph, since you know, let me go quickly."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, do you really think I'm as stupid as you?" Really unable to stand Li Mo'er's rich performance, Ye Weiwei simply told her the truth, "You secretly came back from abroad, who can protect you?" Madam Ye still thinks that you are happy living with your biological parents abroad. Who can blame you?"

Li Mo'er's mouth trembled, pretending to be bold, "I have met my friend! My friend knows that I have returned to China, and she can also testify for me!"

Ye Weiwei smiled.

 Laughing that she still has such an ignorant and naive side.

"Friend? Even you know that money can make all the difference, not to mention that your so-called friend is just because of your identity as Miss Yejia." It's easy to bribe someone like that.

Li Moer was so angry that she gritted her teeth but was unable to resist. Her hands were tied and she could only yell at the top of her voice, "Ye Weiwei, if you have the ability, sue me! Are you afraid that I will accuse Ye Xichen of being an accomplice?" The matter came out, so that’s why they locked me up here and tortured me!”

"Li Mo'er, I advise you not to be stupid. It will do you no good to anger me at this time. If I attack you, I won't be the least bit soft-hearted!"

Yeye Weiwei stretched out his hand and pushed, and Li Moer lost his footing and fell to the ground.

 The door was suddenly pushed open.

The two of them looked towards the door at the same time, and saw Ye Xichen's tall figure standing by the door, holding a small box in his hand.

 Ye Weiwei didn't know if Ye Xichen saw the scene where she pushed someone just now, but she subconsciously squeezed her palms.

 “Is the thing you are holding a bell?”

 “Yeah.” Ye Xichen nodded slightly.

Ye Weiwei walked to the door, stretched out her white hands and asked, "Give me the stuff."

Just when Ye Xichen was about to hand the thing to her, Li Moer, who had just gotten up from the ground, ran towards them with all his strength.

At the critical moment, Ye Xichen hugged Ye Yiwei to dodge, but accidentally hit the corner of the table.

Ye Xichen kicked Li Moer out.


This time Li Moer was rolling on the ground in pain and really couldn't stand up.

Ye Weiwei ignored the bell and hurriedly pulled Ye Xichen to look at her, "Are you okay?"


Ye Xichen shook his head and handed over the bell box.

Ye Weiwei didn't answer. She unceremoniously scratched the clothes on Ye Xichen's back, and it turned red as expected.

“You said it’s okay! I’ll take you to apply some medicine.”

Ye Xichen said it was okay, but Ye Weiwei felt heartbroken.

Originally Ye Xichen really thought that nothing was wrong, but seeing her like this, he immediately acted weak and pretended to be pitiful.

 “It seems to be really painful.”

Ye Weiwei hurriedly ran to Pei Yichen to get the medicine kit.

Pei Yichen went in with her.

Ye Weiyi was too anxious and asked Ye Xichen to lie on the bed without saying a word. He opened half of his clothes and applied medicine to him.

Pei Yichen curled his lips.

 putting down his things and wanting to leave, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a crescent-shaped birthmark on Ye Xichen's waist.

 (End of this chapter)

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