My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 584: Unable to contact Ye Weiwei

Chapter 584 Unable to contact Ye Weiwei

“To tell you the truth, there is something wrong with him.”

 “Heart disease?”

"It can be said that heart disease is a general term. He suffers from angina pectoris. Artificial emotions and natural weather temperatures may induce him to have the disease. He is so powerful. He drinks and risks his life!"

Gu Chengxi shook his head and waved his hands, with an expression of "I don't care what you do".

This was the first time that Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli were stunned when they heard Gu Chengxi tell them about his condition so straightforwardly.

However, the way he looked at Gu Chengxi showed that Ye Xichen's condition was not very serious, and he felt a little relieved.

Ye Xichen's disease is generally called heart disease, and classified into different categories, it is angina pectoris.

 How uncomfortable is it that your mood will be affected by the weather?

Ye Xichen has always been calm and composed, but it was difficult to suppress his emotions when he encountered Ye Weiyi.

 Drinking when your mood is out of control...

“It’s really life-threatening!” Nangong Luo didn’t know what to say.

Gong Qianli lowered her head and sighed.

 She also quietly called Ye Weiyi just now, and her cell phone was turned off.

Nangong Luo saw her holding the phone and patted her shoulder soothingly, "The two must have had a quarrel."

"how do you know?"

“Let’s just say that when we were in the bar just now, the boss was staring at his phone at first and said he was waiting for the only message. Then when he saw the message, he threw the phone on the ground.”

 “What message did you send?”

“I don’t know, the boss saw it himself. Anyway, he threw the phone on the ground. Everyone was staring at the boss. The boss picked up the phone very calmly and proudly said that all the expenses for tonight would be on him.”

“What the hell? Isn’t that blood loss?”

“How can that be impossible? Brother Chen played games with them, bet on winnings and losses, and drank wine with them. It didn’t take long for him to make his money back.”

“Don’t you know how to stop him from drinking?”

"I stopped him, but he has to be willing to listen. I'm not the only sister. What I said is..." Nangong Luo said, turning his palm over and rubbing it twice with his thumb and index finger, "That's all it does. ”

  Simply put, it means, “Can’t be persuaded.”

Gong Qianli shook her head again and again, "Okay, just admit that you are useless. I'll go find Brother Gu."

 “Hey, Brother Gu?” Someone immediately became jealous.

But Gong Qianli didn't realize it. He just treated it as a friend and joked, and immediately changed the title, "Doctor Gu, Doctor Gu."

Nangong Luo's mood dropped rapidly, "What's there to see in Gu Chengxi? The boss is the patient."

"Of course I know. I'm also worried about Brother Chen. That's why I need to ask Dr. Gu to find out the situation. You go and guard Brother Chen, and I'll go find out the news. Let's divide the work and cooperate." Gong Qianli found it for herself in an orderly manner. As an excuse, he forced Nangong Luo to leave, and the soles of his feet were no longer oily.

 Haunted to the office room in Chengxi.

 “Dong dong dong.”

Gong Qianli knocked on the door with intention.

As expected, I heard Gu Chengxi’s cool voice, “Come in.”

Gong Qianli quickly looked at her outfit to encourage herself, then pushed in and said hello, "Brother Gu, excuse me."

Gu Chengxi was as indifferent as ever, "What's the matter?"

"I...I just want to know about Brother Chen's specific situation. I'm not a medical student, so I just want to ask what angina pectoris is?"

"Baidu Encyclopedia."

Gong Qianli: “…”

Can we still chat happily? !

Gong Qianli couldn't hold it in any longer and slapped Gu Chengxi's desk directly, "Doctor Gu, do you have a girlfriend?"

Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli or Gu Chengxi and Gong Qianli?



 (End of this chapter)

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