My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 585: How about I be your girlfriend?

Chapter 585 How about I be your girlfriend?

 “What, you want to be my girlfriend?”

"Doctor Gu, you are too upright!" Gong Qianli slammed the table three times in a row, she was so excited!

 After taking pictures of the table, I realized that my movements were a bit exaggerated. I changed my movements and put my hands on the table, holding my chin up and staring, and winked at Gu Chengxi.

"I, Gong Qianli, come from a clean family background, possess both political integrity and talent. I am as beautiful as a flower and friendly to others. I am simply synonymous with being loved by everyone. Dr. Gu, please think about it. How about I be your girlfriend?"

Gu Chengxi replied with a few words, "I choose to be single."

“…” Gong Qianli’s hands slipped and she almost fell onto the table.

"Gu, Yi, Sen, can you be a little more romantic? I'm teasing you." I'm not as sharp at telling jokes as you are!

 “I don’t have a habit of stealing people’s love.”

"Wait a minute, what do you mean by taking someone else's favor?" Gong Qianli frowned and thought for a moment, then asked, "You don't have a misunderstanding about me and Nangong Luo, do you?"

“…” Gu Chengxi didn’t answer, which was regarded as acquiescence.

"It doesn't exist. He and I are buddies. Don't get me wrong. Sister... I still want to have a normal relationship." In the middle of the words, he changed his tone and pretended to be shy, which really made her panic.

But Gu Chengxi obviously had no intention of talking nonsense with her, and he didn't care about gentlemanly etiquette, so he drove her away frankly and directly.

“Miss Gong, please come out if you have nothing to do.”

 “I have something to do!”

Gu Chengxi looked up at her.

Gong Qianli hesitated and couldn't speak.

Gu Chengxi no longer believed her nonsense and uttered two cold words, "Get out."

Gong Qianli sighed secretly as the attack failed.

He put away the serious expression on his face and asked the truth honestly, "How long has Brother Chen been ill?"


 The meaning of "Heaven..." represented by just three words.

As good friends, they did not discover that Ye Xichen was suffering from such a serious illness for decades.

Judging from Ye Xichen's current condition, although this disease is not fatal, it cannot be cured.

 The feeling of long-term pain is something that people with healthy bodies cannot feel.

 “Are you the only one who doesn’t know?”

 “Do you think he would allow her to know?”

Gu Chengxi asked rhetorically, which seemed to be sarcastic.

Although "ta" was not mentioned by name, Gong Qianli knew very well that it meant that Ye Xichen did not allow this matter to be known to Ye Weiwei.

 “I understand, thank you, Doctor Gu.”

 Without the thought of flirting, when they really thought about Ye Xichen's condition, their hearts felt heavy.

Gong Qianli went back to the room where Ye Xichen was lying to visit.

Nangong Luo really stayed there...the game was in full swing.

Gong Qianli waved her hand in front of his eyes a few times, "Stop playing games. Is the only phone call connected?"

Nangong Luo turned his back to her and said, "It doesn't matter, how can we tell her that Brother Chen has a heart attack and ask her to come here?"

Gong Qianli knew as soon as he saw his little movements that he was trying to prevent his phone from being snatched away.

 He made a "chi" sound and pulled Nangong Luo's short hair. As expected, Nangong Luo obediently put down his phone and turned back.

Gong Qianli let go of her hand with satisfaction and continued the normal conversation, "What you said makes some sense. Brother Chen doesn't want Youyi to know about his illness at all, but it won't be a problem if he goes on like this."

Nangong Luo touched his chin and waved to her, "I have an idea, but it's a bit risky."

"tell me the story."

 (End of this chapter)

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