My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 587: Ten years of affection

Chapter 587: Ten Years of Affection


Gong Qianli was just a few words away from telling Ye Weiyi about Ye Xichen's heart disease. Who knew that Ye Xichen happened to wake up at this time!

It was such a coincidence that Ye Xichen opened his eyes at the critical moment and stopped Gong Qianli.

Ye Weiwei asked: "What happened to him?"

Gong Qianli and Ye Xichen looked at each other. Under Ye Xichen's intimidating gaze, they lied, "It's okay. I just wanted to say that you broke the promise. Brother Chen is very unhappy!"

This is absolutely true.

Ye Weiwei sighed and asked Gong Qianli to help her keep an eye on it and tell her if anything happened.

 As soon as the only person who seemed to be there was someone there, I hung up the phone in a hurry.

Hang up the phone, Gong Qianli took the phone and threw it to Nangong Luo like a hot potato.

Ye Xichen looked at them both and spoke in a hoarse voice: "You all know?"

"I know." When these two normally arrogant people saw Ye Xichen, they became as obedient as good students to their teacher.

 But Ye Xichen didn't ask any more questions, he just stated emphatically, "Don't tell her."

"But Brother Chen, do you want to hide it from Youyi for the rest of your life? You have been hiding it for decades. The longer it goes, the harder it is to tell you. When the time comes, Youyi will know, and you will definitely not be able to bear it."

“If it makes her happy for one more day, it’s worth it.”


Facing Ye Xichen, both Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli were speechless.

   Trouble yourself to death and have to consider others.


Ye Youwei did not go to country M alone. Pei Yichen went with her.

Pei Yichen didn't know why Ye Weiwei suddenly changed his mind after leaving the house, but the current development trend of the situation was something he was happy to see.

“Miss, sir, he is very happy to hear that you are willing to come here to accompany him.”

 “It would be great if I could get Grandpa to start.”

Ye Weiwei smiled reluctantly.

 Mr. Qiao sent a car to pick him up at the airport. Unexpectedly, Ye Weiwei got in the car and saw that Mr. Qiao was actually sitting in it.

 “Grandpa, why are you here in person?” I’m really flattered.

Mr. Qiao smoothed his short beard and said, "My granddaughter has come all the way to visit me, an old man. I am so happy that I can't sit still. She has been waiting here for a long time."

  Ye Weiwei was quite moved after hearing what Mr. Qiao said.

When a person is old and has no shortage of money, he only cares about true love.

Mr. Qiao really regarded her as his own granddaughter. He was very happy and took her into a beautiful mansion that day.

 Mr. Qiao arranged everything very well, and Ye Weiwei stayed with him without making any fuss.

She always had a smile on her face, but that smile was not necessarily real.

 Even though she tries her best to hide it, people who care about her will still notice it.

“Qiao Qiao must be tired from coming all the way, right? Grandpa has already prepared a beautiful room for you here. Go take a look and take a rest.”

Mr. Qiao personally led her to the door. Because it was inconvenient to enter his daughter's room, Mr. Qiao stood there and did not go in.

Ye Weiwei stood at the door and nodded respectfully to thank him, "Okay, thank you, Grandpa."

 After Ye Weiwei entered, Mr. Qiao called Pei Yichen over to ask about the situation.

“What’s going on with Qiao Qiao? Could it be that the boy from the Ye family made her unhappy? Then the two of them had a falling out?”

Pei Yichen pushed up his glasses and said, "The young lady was very happy when she rejected you for the first time. After leaving the house, about two hours later, she changed her mind when she came back. Yi Chen doesn't know the specific reason."

 (End of this chapter)

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