My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 588: The truth about parents’ death

Chapter 588 The truth about the death of parents

 The only one who arrived in country M was that he couldn't sleep all night.

She texted Ye Xichen to report that she was safe, but never thought of contacting him.

She had too many things on her mind and was so irritated that she was about to collapse.

 After meeting Li Moer, Li Moer told a lot of truths that she had been unwilling to face.

 At that time...

Li Moer was taken out by the police, and they met through a layer of transparent glass.

Li Mo'er lost her previous arrogance, but when she saw Li Mo'er's miserable condition, she didn't feel the joy of revenge.

 She asked Li Mo'er if he knew he was wrong.

Li Moer told her, "Do you think I will admit my mistake to you? A cruel woman like you has no sympathy at all. If I admit my mistake to you, I will only bring humiliation to myself."

Hearing Li Mo'er's stubborn words again, she was bored and wanted to hang up the phone, but Li Mo'er suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute!"

 She continued to hold the phone, wanting to see what other tricks Li Moer could play.

Li Moer asked, "Ye Weiwei, do you know how many things Ye Xichen has hidden from you?"

"If you still want to stir up trouble, I tell you, I don't believe it."

"Don't rush to a conclusion. If you listen to what I say next, you will regret it. I know the news about Zhao Qing."

 Zhao Qing?

One of the murderers who took part in driving her father to death!

The matter was so important that Ye Weiwei used his identity to let her and Li Moer talk face to face.

Li Moer's hands were handcuffed and he seemed to have resigned himself to serving his sentence.

After the two of them entered the room, Ye Weiyi couldn't wait to ask, "Where is Zhao Qing?"

“Zhao Qing’s matter doesn’t matter, you still have to listen to me talk about other things.”

Li Moer asked her, "Do you know why you haven't been able to find out about Mr. Qiao for so many years?"

Li Moer suddenly asked such a question, Ye Weiwei felt weird.

Before she could answer, Li Mo'er said, "It's all because of your good brother. He knows you are eager for revenge, but he obstructs you at every turn."

“Li Mo’er, I warn you not to tell lies and stir up trouble.”

Ye Weiwei's voice was stern, but Li Moer seemed not to have heard the warning, and continued talking to himself: "He knew Ye Hantian wanted to plot against Qiao family a long time ago. How long has it been since I thought about it? It's probably your father. He already knew about it when mom was still alive, but he never told you these things from beginning to end, right? "

Li Moer could also emphasize, "At that time, if Ye Xichen had revealed Ye Hantian's conspiracy, your father would not have died."

 “There is no need to hesitate to accuse someone.”

 “I know you won’t believe it easily, but I can tell you more truth.”

"The cemetery is far away from the city center and is usually deserted. Why did you and your mother encounter gangsters? In fact, Ye Hantian deliberately sent people to set up a trap and wanted to act like a hero saving the beauty. Who knew that the gangsters would show off after they were drunk? I really wanted to **** your mother." Ye Hantian regretted it, but did not allow the matter to be exposed, so everyone thought it was just an accident.

“Ye Hantian didn’t just want to seize the company, he really wanted your father to die because he was jealous that your father received your mother’s love.”

“The people of the Ye family are extremely disgusting. They are all the murderers who killed your parents. You actually like the son of your enemy. The funny thing is that you have been kept in the dark.”

 She slammed the table angrily, she no longer wanted to listen to Li Mo'er talk any more!

Ye Weiwei pushed Li Mo'er into the corner, "I don't want to hear you make up stories, where is Zhao Qing!"

 “Zhao Qing is dead.”

  Thanks to "Sick Dian Dian, Xi Yan, Deep Sea Sleepless" for the reward~

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 (End of this chapter)

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