My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 591: Locked up by grandpa

Chapter 591: Locked up by Grandpa

 “You want to go home? Then we won’t go shopping.”

", I want to go home. I want to go back to my country to find someone. I promised to spend New Year's Eve with him." Ye Weiwei lowered his head and whispered to himself.

 Qiao Yu didn't understand, "Qiao Qiao, what are you mumbling about?"

 “I want to go home.”

Ye Weiwei repeated those four words, pinching his fingers with each other unnaturally, looking a little flustered.

 She was hesitating and struggling, but in fact her mentality was already biased.

“Qiaoqiao, don’t scare me, I will take you back now.”

 Qiao Yu didn't know what happened to Ye Weiwei suddenly. He thought he had asked the wrong question and directly reached out to pull Ye Weiwei back.

The only thing that Ke Ye could feel was the touch of a strange aura, and his reflexive backhand grab almost broke Qiao Yu's hand.

 “Wow, Qiaoqiao, are you serious? My hand is going to be broken.”

Ye Weiwei stared at Qiao Yu a few more times, as if realizing that there was no danger, he let go of his hand.

 At the same time, he did not forget to warn, “Don’t touch me!”

“Qiao Qiao, are all you Chinese girls so strong?” Qiao Yu squeezed her arms to stretch her muscles.

Ye Weiyi saw his funny expression and joked with him, "If you let other girls hear the word tough, I guess you won't even have to see the sun tomorrow."

 “Qiaoqiao, I finally see you smiling.”

 Although it was a very shallow smile, it was a sincere smile, which is really rare.

 Qiao Yu didn't realize it when she didn't say it. As soon as Qiao Yu said it, the smile froze on her face, and she couldn't laugh anymore.

 Qiao Yu asked her, "Qiao Qiao, why don't you like to smile? You look beautiful when you smile."

 “I, maybe my smile is low.”

I'm afraid she doesn't believe this reason herself.

Seeing his empty hands, Ye Weiwei focused on Qiao Yu, "Qiao Yu, did you bring your mobile phone out?"

 “Yes.” Qiao Yu raised his phone.

“Can you check the flight for me? I want to return to China today.”

 “Are you going back to China today? Today is New Year’s Eve.”

“Here is thirteen hours behind country z, and we are spending the time when New Year’s Eve in country z starts. It’s 11 noon here, and it’s the early morning of New Year’s Eve over there. If I go back, I still have time to celebrate New Year’s Eve.”

“It’s too late, why are you doing this?”

"Because this is something very special to me, something I must do, please Ayu."

Ye Weiyi made a sincere request, and Qiao Yu saw that she looked serious, so he did not refuse.

 “OK, I’ll help you.”

  Quickly selecting a flight, she found the time four hours later.

On the way back, Qiao Yu found that Ye Weiwei's expression was very relaxed, and there was a hint of joy that could not be concealed.

 Qiao Yu didn't know the reason, but he felt that what Ye Yixi was about to do was important to her.

 Ye Weiwei went back and had lunch with Mr. Qiao.

Mr. Qiao's adopted son is also here, as well as Aunt Jasmine, Qiao Yu, and Pei Yichen.

Although there are not many people, celebrating this festival is also a way of respecting one’s own country.

Thinking that there was still an hour left, Ye Weiwei informed Mr. Qiao of his decision to return to China.

 Lao Qiao was not very happy.

“Qiaoqiao, since you are already here, please stay here to accompany grandpa for a while.”

“Grandpa, I can come see you in two days, but I really have something important to do tonight.”

 “Are you going back to find that person?”


 Lao Qiao deliberately picked up the newspaper and read it without answering her.

Ye Weiwei tried to coax him to forgive, but Mr. Qiao avoided the topic.

When Ye Weiwei went back to his room to clean up, he heard movement at the door.

 When she opened the door again, she found that the door could not be opened!

I don’t know if you understand, but although the United States is 13 hours behind China, it is written in the article that they count the day when Chinese New Year’s Eve starts, starting from the early morning, instead of waiting until the night of New Year’s Eve. So Xiao Lingdang said it was still too late to go back.



 (End of this chapter)

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