My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 592: Designed by Mr. Qiao, the only compromise

Chapter 592 Mr. Qiao’s design, the only compromise

Ye Weiwei kept banging on the door, but no one came to open it for him.

“Grandpa, grandpa, please open the door.”

"Qiaoqiao, you should give up your intention to return to China. I won't let you go back today." At this time, Mr. Qiao stood at the door and responded to her.

Ye Ziwei didn't understand, "Why? Grandpa, I have already spent New Year's Eve with you, and I promised to come back in two days."

Mr. Qiao said to her categorically: "If you want to do other things, even if you don't accompany me as an old man, I won't control you. But if you want to see Ye Xichen, you absolutely can't!"

 “Grandpa, you can’t do this.”

"Qiaoqiao, don't blame grandpa for being cruel. Yi Chen has already told me about Li Moer. Every good thing that comes out of the Ye family, I will not allow you to hang out with the Ye family boys anymore."

"According to what you said, I also stayed in Yejia for a while. Am I also the one you said was bad?"

Hearing her use him as an example, Qiao Lao was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, "Qiao Qiao, don't say anything more, I won't let you out today."

 After Mr. Qiao said this, he left directly.

He didn't want to quarrel with his granddaughter, but he also didn't want to let her go back to find the son of his enemy.

 “Bang bang bang—”

No matter how she knocked on the door, no one responded to her.

She gave up knocking, but luckily her phone was still in the room.

She wanted to send a message to Aunt Jasmine for help, but then she thought that Aunt Jasmine was a virtuous and filial woman. If grandpa disagreed, then Aunt Jasmine would definitely follow his wishes.

There is no need to think about that Uncle Joe.

Pei Yichen...The reason why Pei Yichen obeyed her was because he was loyal to Mr. Qiao. If it was Mr. Qiao's order, then Pei Yichen would definitely not disobey it.

After much thought, Ye Weiyi placed her last hope on Qiao Yu, whom she had just met.

 She doesn’t know Qiao Yu’s personality, but she can only take a gamble on this kind of thing!

 Fortunately, Qiao Yu asked her for her phone number when she went out just now and flashed a call to her mobile phone. She still had the record.

 Looking through the communication records to find Qiao Yu's number, she first tried to send a text message: A Yu, help me.

  Qiao Yu replied instantly: How do you want me to help you?

 Ye Weiwei: Open the door for me.

  Qiao Yu refused: Sorry.

 Ye Weiwei: You know I have something very important, please help me.

 Qiao Yu replied to her: We are all in the lobby. Grandpa’s expression is very serious. No one dares to open the door for you.


Looking at Qiao Yu's reply, you can imagine Grandpa sitting there with a straight face, a serious face, not angry but powerful. How dare a junior to make him angry casually.

 But there is still an hour until the flight takes off.

 Ye’s only unrelenting hope was placed on Pei Yichen.

“Assistant Pei, I am locked up at home by my grandpa, can you help me?”

“Miss, I’ve already come to the end of your affairs, but since you chose to leave that day, you shouldn’t go back now.”

Pei Yichen simply and decisively rejected her.

Far away in the United States, except for the Qiao family, she could not find anyone to ask for help.

 “Bang bang bang—” I continued to be afraid of being beaten, and repeated it several times until my palms turned red.

Ye Weiwei picked up her phone and called Mr. Qiao directly. She lowered her head and said, "Grandpa, I won't go back."

"You figured it out so quickly? Don't you see Ye Xichen?"


 She originally wanted to bow her head first and wait until she was free before running away.

 Mr. Qiao suddenly changed his tone and seemed to be talking to another person, "Did you hear that? She doesn't want to see you at all."

 (End of this chapter)

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