My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 595: sweet date

Chapter 595 Sweet Date

“Brother, I was really happy to know that you came to see me.” Ye Weiyi only had Ye Xichen in his eyes.

Qiao Yu suddenly appeared, "Hey, Qiao Qiao, I found that it was really sweet when you called you 'brother' in Mandarin. I also count you as your brother. You call me twice to hear it."

 “g…” She didn’t want to call Qiao Yu brother, she wanted to say gun.

 Considering that Qiao Yu had helped her many times, Ye Weiwei certainly wouldn't really tell him to get out.

“Brother Qiao Yu, can you do solo activities?”

 Qiao Yu scratched his head, "That won't work. This is the task grandpa gave me."

 The memory goes back to half an hour ago...

I don’t know what agreement Ye Xichen reached with Mr. Qiao. Not only did Mr. Qiao allow her to meet Ye Xichen, he also allowed Ye Xichen to take her out!

 Grandpa Qiao and Ye Xichen are unlikely to live in the same environment in peace and harmony.

She put aside the grudges at home and asked Ye Xichen to take her to play.

 The world between two people can be regarded as a trip abroad.

 But unfortunately, there is one more Qiao Yu.

Before going out, Mr. Qiao issued a task to Qiao Yu, which was to protect Ye Weiwei throughout the whole process.

 Speaking of protection, surveillance is more appropriate.

With Qiao Yu by her side, it would be inconvenient for her to do whatever she wanted to do!

Ye Xichen talks little, but Qiao Yu talks a lot.

Ye Youyi was talking to himself, and the three of them seemed not to be on the same channel.

Qiao Yu wanted to chat with Ye Weiwei.

Ye Xichen suddenly said, "Qiao Yu, I have a p24 series pre-sale game console."

 A brief, ordinary sentence made the sparrow-like Qiao Yu shut up instantly.

"P24 pre-sale version? Do you have a physical version?" Qiao Yu seemed confident but not convinced.

 But Ye Xichen nodded affirmatively, "It will automatically disappear for a few hours, and the thing will naturally be in your hands at night."

 “Are you sure? You won’t lie to me?”

 “You can’t believe it.”

 Qiao Yu immediately stretched out his hand and gestured to stop, "No, brother, please tell me if you have something to say."

 “That’s it, it’s a deal!”

As if afraid that Ye Xichen would regret it, Qiao Yu turned around and ran away without a trace.

“Brother? That game console you just mentioned? How do you know Qiao Yu will like it?”

“Just a guess.” I saw several game consoles placed in the glass window at Qiao’s house, obviously for collection.

I don’t know who the person who likes to collect game consoles is. The reason why I called Qiao Yu was just to test.

 Happily glad, it’s really him.

“But wouldn’t it be a pity to just give away the pre-sale version?”

ˆ It’s a pre-sale version! That's so rare to get.

 It was because Ye Xichen himself was an experienced game player, a master among masters, and had enough capital to get that thing, but now he has to transfer it to the transferee.

  It makes me feel sick just thinking about it.

However, Ye Xichen's words can change Ye Weiwei's mood, "Compared to you, those are nothing."

This kind of simple and nice love words are so awesome!

 “Where do you want to go?”

“Actually, I have seen a lot of foreign scenery in the past few days, but I have always lacked interest. Brother, would you like to accompany me for another walk?”


 The closest place to here is a very famous place - the Las Vegas Strip.

Las Vegas is a magnificent and prosperous place with an endless stream of tourists.

 Looking at the scenery twice, the people accompanying me are different, and the scenery I see is also different.

At six o'clock in the evening, just in time to catch up with the wonderful SirensoftTI on Treasure Island.

  Baidu Quote: Sirensoft TI Banshee Show. It mainly describes the conflicts caused by a group of **** and charming banshees and rebellious pirates at sea. There are difficult fighting, diving moves and earth-shattering explosion performances.

 (End of this chapter)

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