My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 596: Lying tiredly in Ye Xichen's arms

Chapter 596 Lying tiredly in Ye Xichen’s arms

Sexy and charming banshees come in all shapes and sizes, the pirate characters are vivid and flexible, and the on-site fighting makes people feel as if they are actually there.

However, a sneaky man quietly stood next to Ye Weiwei with a sharp dagger in his hand, and stretched out his evil hand towards her.

The sneaky foreigner pretended to be a spectator and crowded in the crowd, trying to find the best time to attack Ye Youwei.

The man showed the sharp dagger in his hand, but just half a minute away, his wrist was suddenly pinched tightly, and the hidden dagger was knocked to the ground.

 The people around him were shocked.

 Because they saw a young girl overpowering a man with her bare hands!

 The young girl in their eyes is Ye Yiwei.

 She is not the timid and cowardly Ye Youyi, but Qiao Liao who has undergone special training!

Even in crowded and noisy places, she has keen insight, because her mood is not affected by other things now, which is when her mental strength is at its best.

“Hmph! Thief, you’re in trouble if you meet me today.”

 The only thing Ye spoke was Chinese, which the foreigner couldn't understand.

But that doesn't matter, what's important is that the thief was beaten to a pulp by Ye Weiwei, and he held his head and begged for mercy.

The thief couldn't understand Chinese, but Ye could only understand the thief's English.

  She also spoke a few words of judgment in English, and soon the police who maintained order around the area came to catch the thief.

 The people around who witnessed all this applauded.

Even though their languages ​​​​are different, it does not prevent them from enjoying this unexpected but particularly wonderful play.

 In their opinion, oriental girls are delicate and pretty, and this oriental girl is like a goddess in mythology, with stunning appearance.

This girl who seemed to need protection defeated a thief with her bare hands. It was simply more beautiful than the scene between the **** and charming succubus and the pirate on the stage.

Someone took a cell phone to record this scene and posted it online. Soon, the video of Ye Weiyi tearing apart the thief with his bare hands became popular.

  After all, the keywords “beauty and thief” are very attractive.

It was only then that Ye Weiwei realized that he seemed to be in the limelight.

 Some even bolder people came to her and asked her for her contact information, saying they wanted to make friends.

Some foreigners communicated with her in broken Chinese, "Beautiful Chinese girl, nice to meet you..."

 After he finished speaking laboriously, Ye Xichen put his arms in front of Ye Weiwei and exchanged a few words with the foreigner in English.

 In full view of everyone, Ye Xichen hugged Ye Weiwei and left.

 However, I don’t know who among the crowd took the lead in catching up. Ye Weiwei and Ye Xichen’s good looks instantly became stars.

 A reporter seemed to appear in the crowd, chasing after him hoping to conduct an interview immediately.

Ye Weiwei grabbed Ye Xichen and ran away, "Wow, there are so many people, so scary."

Then, a man and a woman were seen running in the bustling square, and later chasing a group of people.

 Fortunately, they have all been trained. They are fast, resourceful and flexible, and they can quickly get rid of the trouble behind them.

But Ye Ziyi was tired and lay in Ye Xichen's arms.

“I didn’t expect that a fight abroad would be so scary.”

“Your fight is more than just a fight, it’s even more exciting than the banshee show on the stage.”

“You’re still talking about me. You, a grown man, want me, a weak woman, to fight against a thief with my bare hands.”

"Weak woman?" Ye Xichen looked her up and down and asked herself, "Are you sure?"

The two of them stopped for a while on the street, and suddenly someone came up to them and asked, "Hey, are you the beautiful woman who tore the gangsters apart with your bare hands in the video posted online?"

What a powerful little bell



 (End of this chapter)

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