My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 610: You are not the son of the Ye family

Chapter 610 You are not the son of the Ye family

Beside Hua Qianhui’s grave, there were fruits and flowers brought by Ye Hantian.

Ye Ziwei took all these things away silently.

 “Xiao Li, what are you doing?”

Seeing this, Ye Hantian was extremely dissatisfied with her behavior. If he hadn't taken into account that she was Hua Qianhui's daughter, and this was Hua Qianhui's grave, Ye Hantian might have turned against her on the spot!

Ye Weiwei had a straight face and his aura was not inferior to his, "Mr. Ye, please leave here. You are not welcome in our Qiao family."

Ye Hantian endured it and said, "I just came to visit your mother."

 “My mother won’t welcome a villain like you!”

  "Presumptuous!" Ye Hantian's temper flared up and he almost slapped her in the face with his raised hand.

But Ye Weiwei would not let herself suffer. She was able to catch Ye Hantian's forcefully swung hand steadily, but in the end Ye Hantian still failed to slap that slap.

 Probably because, “Your eyes are so similar to your mother’s.”

 Ye Hantian was missing another person through her eyes again.

Ye Weiyi turned his eyes away without hesitation.

 “My mother doesn’t want to see hypocritical villains. You are not welcome here, go!”

 When she thought of those things back then, she felt nothing but endless hatred for Ye Hantian!

"Little girl, you don't understand propriety. Even if you forget the kindness that everyone has given you in raising you, you still have to call me uncle according to your seniority. As an elder, I can wake up and worship your parents. You are young. Where do you have the right to say these things to me?"

Hearing Ye Hantian's pretended sense of righteousness, Ye Weiwei was furious, "Qualification? Just because I am their only daughter! And you, Ye Hantian, you harmed my parents, why do you have the nerve to come and worship me?"

“Take your things and stay away. I don’t want to cause trouble in front of my mother’s tombstone.”

Ye Ziwei was determined not to put the things Ye Hantian brought in front of Hua Qianhui's tombstone.

Ye Hantian felt that he had lost face, but he was indeed too guilty to dare to attack Hua Qianhui's only daughter in front of Hua Qianhui's grave, so in the end he had no choice but to give up.

 Ye Hantian left with full of anger.

 Ye Weiwei knelt down in front of his parents' graves and worshiped three times.

“Mom and Dad, I’m sorry, it was Xiaoli who came late and made you see that annoying person.”

“But please don’t worry, before long, I will personally send Ye Hantian to prison to comfort your spirits in heaven!”

 Light incense with your own hands and place it in front of your parents’ graves.

Ye Weiwei made the oath in front of his parents, as if to warn himself that he must not be soft-hearted.

However, she also has compassion.

"The most embarrassing thing is Ye Xichen's identity. When I found out that Ye Hantian was the direct murderer of you, I hated Ye Hantian and everyone in the Ye family. But...but I don't know what Li Mo'er said. Somewhat true or false.”

The reason why she didn't blame Ye Xichen for the incident was because there was no involvement of Ye Xichen in these matters, allowing her to clearly distinguish between the two.

 But then…

Even now she doesn't dare to ask Ye Xichen directly if he knows about the dirty things Ye Hantian did, and she deliberately blocked revenge and has concealed it to this day!

Ye Xichen originally came with her, but she didn't let Ye Xichen come with her.

 She doesn’t want her parents to see anyone from the Ye family again until the matter is resolved!

Ye Weiwei stood in front of the tombstone and said some words of longing and about his own feelings.

 Finally, she sighed leisurely: "It would be great if you were not the son of the Ye family."

 (End of this chapter)

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