My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 611: The only thing to borrow money at night

Chapter 611 Ye Weiyi borrows money

There is no way Ye Xichen is not a child of the Ye family, her guess is simply fantastic.

Mrs. Ye loves her son so much and likes Ye Hantian’s incompetent husband so much. It can’t be a lie.

Ye Weiwei shook his head to get rid of the nonsensical thoughts that appeared in his mind.

It was because of what I had said casually to Ye Xichen when I was bored.

 At that time she said: "It would be great if you were not from the Ye family."

 Because then she won't be troubled.

 But after Ye Xichen heard those words, he thought about more things, "If I were not Ye Xichen, maybe our destiny would be different. For example, I might not necessarily appear by your side during childhood."

 They knew each other through their parents.

If he wasn't Ye Xichen, maybe the only person Ye knew at the beginning would be another person.

  In comparison, he would rather bear heavier emotions than lose the time he met her.


 The New Year has not yet passed, and the only enthusiasm for the festival has faded.

  She missed those few days abroad very much, and at this moment she was also on the plane to country M.

 Because she had promised Mr. Qiao before that when Ounei's first and second grade of junior high school were over, she would go to country M to stay with the old man for a few days.

 And this time, she still had serious matters to discuss with Mr. Qiao.

“Grandpa, can you lend me some funds and a few reliable people?”

Ye Weiwei had something on his mind. This time he passed by and quickly found a relatively suitable time to make a request to Mr. Qiao.

 She needs a fund and two or three capable people!

 Lao Qiao asked why.

 She replied: It has something to do with Qiao Ye's revenge against the Ye family.

Upon hearing this, Mr. Qiao was even more excited than Ye Weiwei.

“Qiaoqiao, if you want to take revenge on the Ye family, just tell me what you need, and grandpa will do his best to help you.”

 Because that was Mrs. Qiao’s wish before she died, so Mr. Qiao wanted to fulfill it.

Since the only thing tonight is to take advantage of the victory and pursue the pursuit, he is naturally willing to do his best to help.

Of the three people who killed her father in a car accident, only Zhao Qing lived for more than ten years. But now Zhao Qing is killed as soon as he appears, and the witness seems to have been cut off.

Ye Weiwei thought about it, and she thought of someone else!

Although she didn't want to recall the embarrassing memories, she clearly remembered that the two people who insulted her mother were arrested, and there was also an uncle who helped the mother and daughter in times of crisis - Anan.

Anan helped her mother back then and received a reward.

 Later, I never saw that uncle again.

 She only remembered it at the last moment.

But I only know a nickname called "Anan", not even a real name. Looking for someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

 But you must know that in this world, money can make all the difference.

  There must be a brave man under a heavy reward. Although there is no need for a brave man, if you have money, you can talk about anything!

On the third day after the missing person message was issued, Pei Yichen told her that there was news!

Pei Yichen has returned to China with her and continues to play the role of a loyal servant by staying by her side and doing things for her.

Ye Weiwei and Pei Yichen found a small house in the suburbs according to the address on the newspaper.

This place is not very lively, but the environment is good.

When Ye Weiwei and Pei Yichen walked in, they saw a middle-aged man with some gray hair.

Now that more than ten years have passed, Ye Weiyi is not sure what attitude to use to face this man.

 “Uncle Anan?”

Question 4 of the Dragon Boat Festival Question and Answer: How old was Ye Weiwei when her parents had an accident? (The first person with the correct answer will receive 100 book coins, and another person will be randomly selected to receive 100 book coins)

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 (End of this chapter)

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