My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 630: Pei Yichen was beaten

 Chapter 630 Pei Yichen was beaten

Pei Yichen waited thousands of times, and finally waited until the person who received the information temporarily left.

Pei Yichen still took the time to rush out, but the door of the reference room was suddenly opened.

Looking closely, there were three or four security guards standing outside the door.

 “Oops.” I kept saying “Oops” in my mind until the situation turned bad.

 In fact, when those people suddenly evacuated just now, he had some bad premonitions in his heart. But for the sake of information, he rushed in without hesitation. He was really being plotted.

“Catching a turtle in a urn, sir, our chairman wants to see you, please come with us.”

 Although the word "please" is used, the tone and expression are not at all kind.

Pei Yichen put down the materials in his hands and walked out the door with his head held high.

 Because even if he doesn't leave, those people will force him to go!

 From the first floor to the high building, Pei Yichen's heart was filled with turmoil.

Since Ye Hantian is so cruel to his brother and the woman he likes, if he is caught now, he may not be punished.

This time, he was extremely lucky that Ye Youyi hesitated and allowed him to steal the pass card, otherwise it would be Ye Youyi who would be caught now.

 Pei Yichen was brought to the door of the chairman's office and pushed in.

 After he entered the door, he only saw Ye Hantian's broad back.

As the door was closed, Ye Hantian suddenly turned around and said, "Assistant Pei, you are well."

 Because Mrs. Qiao had met with the Ye family in the years when they had business dealings, Ye Hantian knew Pei Yichen.

Pei Yichen looked calm, not at all like someone who was caught as a thief.

“Assistant Pei hasn’t been to my Ye Group for a long time, yet he dared to go to those corners. I also accidentally discovered that Assistant Pei had gone to the database, so I asked someone to invite you up.”

Ye Hantian's euphemistic remarks were all lies.

   “A man in the dark doesn’t tell secret stories. When did you discover me?”

 Ye Hantian has won with certainty!

So he didn't really need to estimate Pei Yichen's face, and directly expressed his sarcasm, "To tell you the truth, the pass card you used can indeed access all parts of the Ye Group. It is precisely because of this that I treat your The whereabouts are well known.”

Pei Yichen cursed secretly for being despicable.

He heard Ye Hantian ask him again, "Did Qiao Lian give you the pass to come here?"

"It has nothing to do with the lady at this time. I stole her card." Pei Yichen raised his head and without hesitation cleared the relationship between the two.

"In that case, I don't have to show mercy to you for Xiaoli's sake." Ye Hantian nodded doubtfully and picked up the phone on the table, "Come in, stay here and entertain me."

In the evening, Pei Yichen returned to his home with his hands on his waist and limped along.

He had previously sent Ye Weiyi a text message saying "the plan failed", but did not tell Ye Weiyi about his arrest.

Pei Yichen reluctantly returned home and turned on the lights in the living room.

 He headed directly for the household medicine kit.

At this moment, a voice of doubt came from behind: "Assistant Pei, what are you doing with the medical kit?"

At that moment, Pei Yichen stiffened and did not dare to turn around and face him.

 Because that clear and sweet voice was too familiar to him.

When Ye Weiwei saw that he didn't answer, he walked up to take a look and found that there were bruises on Pei Yichen's face.

 “How could you...”

 “I’m fine.” He was a big man with rough skin and flesh, and it was nothing to feel a little aggrieved.

 But Ye Weiwei was angry!

 (End of this chapter)

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