My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 631: Stay away from Ye Xichen

Chapter 631 Stay away from Ye Xichen

“You told me that the plan failed. Did Ye Hantian find out about it?”

“Miss, this is just a lesson, you should not trust Ye Xichen again in the future.”

 Ye Weiwei shook his head, "No...don't care about his business."

Pei Yichen hates iron, "Miss, you are still trying to excuse Ye Hantian's son. Do you know why I was discovered? It's because the access card of the Ye Group is actually equivalent to surveillance. When you When using that card, your range of activities is also under Ye Hantian's surveillance."

"I know that you trust him very much, Miss, but Miss, you are still too naive and have never thought about how much he trusts you? Ye Xichen gave you the card. Doesn't he know that this card has a surveillance function? But he Didn't tell you this!"

“He doesn’t even know that we will use the access card he gave us to invest in Yeshi.”

"OK, I know Miss, you always protect him. This time I stole the card and acted without authorization. Please punish me, Miss."

Pei Yichen bent down and lowered his head, and every movement affected his wounds and

Even if you try hard to endure it, it’s hard to hide all the pain.

Ye Weiwei sighed, "You're right, Assistant Pei, let's take care of the wound first."

 Everything Pei Yichen does now and every word he says is for her sake. She can't deny the goodness of others.

Pei Yichen reached for the medicine box, but his movements were slow.

Ye Weiwei couldn't stand it anymore, so he directly fetched it for him.

 “Where did they hurt you?”

 It seemed that Ye Weiwei planned to apply medicine to his injury personally.

Pei Yichen was flattered and said, "Miss, leave the medicine box to me and I can take care of it myself."

"It's hard for you to raise your hand now. Don't worry, I can still apply medicine."

Ye Yiwei gave him a look, and Pei Yichen didn't dare to resist anymore.

 It turned out that the little girl who spoke softly had indeed grown up. In the blink of an eye, even her words had a sense of refusal.

Pei Yichen had injuries on his face and on the front and back of his upper body.

 There was no blood, all the wounds were on the flesh.

Ye Weiwei looked at it without any reverie, and only felt angry.

 “These people are so ruthless!”

"Miss, you should have realized that the people in the Ye family are not good people. If you don't deal with them, they will not let you go."

"I know!"

 Ye Hantian is not a kind person, she knows it.

 But she knew better what Pei Yichen's purpose was when he said that to her.

Pei Yichen was not talking about Ye Hantian, but was reminding her repeatedly: Ye Xichen was also from the Ye family.

Everyone in the Qiao family hopes that she will draw a line with Ye Xichen.

 What’s funny is that Ye Hantian has become the person in the two families who supports them being together the most.

  Although, it has other purposes.

"Had I known that things would turn out like this, I should have gone to the database to look for you. It was my business to look for evidence from back then, but in the end it ended up hurting you."

“Young lady is worth a fortune and should be protected. I am rough-skinned and thick-bodied, so I won’t get in the way...hiss...”

 Pei Yichen took a breath of cold air when he scratched a wound on his back.

 But now they calculate that they can only bear the pain themselves, because he sneaked in secretly and suffered first.

 It’s just that a cautious person like Pei Yichen was caught...

 After this time, it will be even more difficult to obtain information in the future.

“This time all the information from ten years ago has been cleared out. Could it be that Ye Hantian has noticed our purpose and destroyed everything?”

Ye Weiwei shook his head, "No, it shouldn't be in the database. I have to try it myself."

 (End of this chapter)

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