My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 636: That's my son too!

Chapter 636 That’s my son too!

"You'd better know the severity! I don't care about anything else, but I must ensure that my son is not stained!"

This quarrel brought the relationship between the two people to an end for many years.

 “That’s my son too!”

 Ye Hantian said this reluctantly.

But Madam Ye sneered, "I'd rather he had nothing to do with you."

When Mrs. Ye thought of how anxious Ye Hantian was about the unborn child in Su Hui's belly just now, she couldn't help but think of how anxious Ye Hantian had been when she was leaving Ye Xichen.

 Probably because it was his first child.

But when the children grow up, their emotions become indifferent. Ye Hantian is busy with work and basically doesn't care about Ye Xichen's affairs.

Mrs. Ye was full of displeasure when she thought of this, "You have never cared about him since you were a child."

"How do you think a mother like you can get any better?" Ye Hantian chuckled, with a hint of sarcasm, "You have been controlling him since he was a child, asking him to learn school knowledge and learn various interests at the age when others go to kindergarten. , His schedule is full every day, and even the time for sleeping and getting up cannot be changed at all. "

When Ye Hantian clearly laid out the hardships Madam Ye had imposed on Ye Xichen sentence by sentence, Madam Ye could only respond: "I am doing it for his own good!"

Ye Hantian sneered coldly, "But you never asked if all that was what he wanted."

Mrs. Ye did not dare to admit defeat and remained firm in her thoughts, "Facts have proved that his current success is inseparable from his hard work as a child."

“I would like to ask, have you ever seen him smile?”


 Mrs. Ye was speechless for a moment and couldn't speak.

Ye Xichen's smile basically did not exist in Madam Ye's memory.

 When a child is crying for food, it is the time when the heart is purest. At that time, a smile can make a parent happy for a long time.

 But as he grows older, Ye Xichen shows that he matures earlier than others of his age.

Mrs. Ye was naturally happy. She felt that her son was born with extraordinary abilities, so she gave Ye Xichen all the things that could be praised in the name of cultivating interest.

Congwen's chess, calligraphy and painting, Wu's Muay Thai and Sanda, which one has he not accepted?

 But it was never the path I chose.

 The two of them faced off, and no one wanted to let them go.

 They were all proud of Ye Xichen, their son, but they gradually became separated from their own son.

 “I’ll tell you when he will laugh, that’s when he sees Xiao Li.”

“Xiao Li is Qian Hui’s daughter. She not only inherited her mother’s beauty, but also her temperament.”

 They are born with a warm sun, which can shine on the people around them and bring them warmth.

Mrs. Ye knew that Ye Hantian was not just saying good things for Ye Dui, but was using it to miss Hua Qianhui!

"I'm afraid you are wrong. Qiao Liao's temperament is all a figment of your own imagination. She seems weak and easy to bully, but she is very determined in her heart." Although Madam Ye was unwilling to admit Ye Weiwei, she also knew that her It is impossible for a son to like a little girl with no merits.

She just didn’t want to follow Ye Hantian’s wishes and let him spend the night to miss Hua Qianhui!

“Do you think she is the same Hua Qianhui who was bullied to death and didn’t know how to resist?”

"shut up!"

  "Are you afraid? Are you afraid that your scandal will be exposed?"

 “This is a hospital, don’t talk nonsense!”

They didn’t know that, just separated by a wall, Ye Xichen covered Ye Weiyi’s ears with his hands.

 (End of this chapter)

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