My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 637: Mother and daughter are safe

Chapter 637 Mother and daughter are safe

While everyone was arguing, the obstetrician came out of the operating room again, pulled down his mask, and said to everyone: "Congratulations, mother and daughter are safe."

"That's great!"

Ye Hantian was overjoyed, and Madam Ye's expression gradually solidified on her face.

She held her hands together, her nails digging deeply into her palms, and she couldn't feel the pain.

The third party who destroyed other people’s families actually survived in such a critical time?

Regardless of his identity, Ye Hantian grabbed the doctor's hand ecstatically, "Where is the child? Can I see the child?"

“Sorry, the baby was born prematurely and is very weak. We will send him to an incubator for observation for a period of time.”

 The doctor rejected his request, but deliberately said, "But you can go see the mother now."

 In fact, the doctor had a very bad impression of Ye Hantian.

Every woman who gives birth to a child risks her own life. Sometimes she has no choice but to do so, but this man is determined to protect the child and never thinks about the pregnant woman lying in the operating room.

Although this is not the first time this has happened, how sad would it be for a mother to know that her family chose to abandon her so ruthlessly?

But having said that, Ye Hantian will not investigate how the doctor views Ye Hantian.

 He heard the doctor say that Su Hui was in poor health, and he felt a little pity for love in his heart.

Just when Ye Hantian was about to go in to see her, Madam Ye suddenly stretched out an arm to block him.

“I said, I don’t care what you think, but you must not get too involved with Su Hui here!”

After Madam Ye’s warning, Ye Hantian sighed heavily and stopped moving forward.

 When Su Hui was sent to the general ward, Ye Hantian and Mrs. Ye went to the child's side.

Su Hui gradually wakes up after going through all kinds of hardships to give birth to a child.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she was chanting words like "Where is the child?" and "My child", and she was still a little confused.

The nurse guarding the bed comforted her softly, "Your child is very good, she is a daughter."

 “Nurse, nurse, I want to see the child.”

“I’m sorry, your baby is premature. She is still in the incubator to observe the situation, so we can’t bring her over for the time being.”

And Su Hui was so weak that she couldn't walk over by herself.

However, when Su Hui heard "the child is safe", she was obviously relieved.

 As long as she has this child, she will have no worries in this life.

“Nurse, do you know where a gentleman named Ye is?”

Su Hui remembered that when she fell down the stairs and was taken to the hospital, Ye Hantian also came. Although Mrs. Ye was also with her, she had already given birth to the child, so she had no fear.

Su Hui had a wonderful thought, but the nurse hesitated to speak.

Su Hui asked, "Have you already left?"

“They haven’t left. The two couples are still in the hospital, but they are with the children.”

 “Two couples?”

“Yes, it’s the man named Ye you mentioned. He and his wife are both here.”

Hearing the nurse's explanation, Su Hui lowered her head unwillingly.

 She thought that Ye Hantian would appear as the child's father at this time, but she didn't expect...

“That couple are your husband’s brother and sister-in-law, right?”

"Why do you ask?"

"When I was filling in the name of the child just now, I saw that the man named the child without hesitation, and his last name was Ye, so I naturally guessed it."

 “Child, what’s your name?”

What’s your name? ? ?



 (End of this chapter)

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