My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 638: child's name

 Chapter 638 The child’s name

 “What’s the child’s name?”

 “Ye Qiane.”

 “No! I want to change my name!”

Although she wanted to use this child to keep Ye Hantian's heart, she didn't want her child to be named by someone else from birth.

Su Hui sat up by herself and lifted the quilt, but this series of actions had already touched the wound, making her so sad that she wanted to cry, and even if she wanted to get out of bed, she had no strength at all.

The nurse was almost stunned by her, "You just had an operation and you can't get out of bed."

 The nurse quickly held her down and asked her to lie down again.

 “Let me see him, I will not allow my child to be named that.”

 “You have a good rest first, and I will help you convey it.”

 Seeing Su Hui's violent movements, the nurse could only say some words to comfort her.

In fact, the nurse had previously guessed whether Ye Hantian and Mrs. Ye were her husband's brother and sister-in-law. The reason was not entirely due to the names of the children, but because they all knew that those two people who chose to keep the child alive rather than the elder were probably not Su Hui's natal family.

The nurse was embarrassed to say it and hurt Su Hui's heart. Now that she heard that Su Hui didn't like the child's name, she felt even more that Ye Hantian and his wife were not good characters.

From the time Su Hui entered the hospital to the time she was born, the child's father had not appeared. The nurse also speculated that Su Hui's husband might not be able to come. Now only her brother and sister-in-law were here, and even the naming of the child was not approved by the child's mother.

 Think about this, how miserable it is?

“Nurse, go and find him quickly, please.”

 “Okay, I’ll go now.”

 The nurse persuaded Su Hui a few more words before leaving the room.

Originally I thought Ye Hantian was still guarding the child, but when the nurse came over, the Ye family and his wife were gone.

The nurse could only go back and tell Su Hui the sad news.

 But when the nurse actually returned to the ward, she saw that Su Hui was already lying on the bed and asleep again.

 Having just given birth to a baby, she was bleeding heavily and was physically weak. The ability to talk soberly just now was already stretched to the limit.

Su Hui's child was born. In order to avoid suspicion, Mrs. Ye and Ye Hantian threatened each other, so the two of them left the hospital temporarily.

At this moment, Ye Xichen and Ye Yiwei appeared.

  Although I don’t want to admit it, I have to recognize the fact, “That child has really come into this world.”

  When the two of them stood outside the glass window and looked at the little baby in the insulation room, they had an indescribable feeling in their hearts.

Ye Weiwei grinned bitterly, "Suddenly I want to know, will that child really grow up to be like my mother, as that man expected?"

Hearing this, Ye Xichen suddenly frowned and asked, "Are you soft-hearted?"

Those four-word question seemed to be a sharp knife piercing Ye Yiyi's heart.

She shook her head soberly, "I don't, she has nothing to do with me."

"I told you that this child shouldn't have appeared, but even premature birth didn't kill her. Are we going to strangle her life... I don't want her to live in my mother's name, but I can't destroy her with my own hands."

 When the child was not born, they would not have so many feelings.

 But when I see that small, soft ball moving and having fresh life, I really can’t have any distracting thoughts about the innocent child.

 In the middle of the night, the nurse on duty went to the incubator to check the child's condition, but stopped in front of the premature incubator with the "Ye Qiane" sign on it.

 Originally planned to give the child an artificial turn over, but found...

 “This child…this child…”

 (End of this chapter)

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