My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 639: The child is not breathing

Chapter 639 The child is not breathing

 “The child is not breathing…”

 Although the premature incubator prevents infection and provides an adaptive temperature, it requires manual turning to adjust the body.

 When the nurse was preparing to do this, she unexpectedly discovered that the newborn baby girl was unable to breathe at first sight.

The nurse thought she was wrong at first, but when she called the doctor in a panic, scientific proof put the cruel fact in front of them: the child died.

This premature baby, who has only survived for a few hours since birth, still failed to survive.

 “Notify her family immediately.”

 After hearing the news, the cold weather in the night deteriorated rapidly and he asked a doctor for treatment.

 But it is difficult for such a small baby girl to survive, and no miracle will happen again.

Ye Hantian thought that the Gu family had excellent medical skills and sought medical treatment indiscriminately when he was ill, so he even called the Gu family in the middle of the night.

When Dan and Mrs. Ye heard Ye Hantian's address to the person on the phone, they immediately grabbed Ye Hantian's cell phone.

The unprepared Ye Hantian didn't have time to react. The phone had already fallen into Madam Ye's hand, and the call was also hung up.

Madam Ye scolded Ye Hantian, "Do you want your scandal to be made public?"

In comparison, Mrs. Ye is the calmest one, "Ye Hantian, you'd better recognize the reality. The child is dead and there is no way to save it. It is her life!"

 Ye Hantian certainly refused to accept his fate.

 But in the end, all he could do was hold the child's cold body.

 Looking at the child's ungrown appearance, Ye Hantian felt extremely sad.

Mrs. Ye stood by and stared at him, guarding him.

That baby girl reminded her of her unborn daughter.

“Have you finally realized how painful it was when I lost my daughter? What an eye-opener!”

 Just the second year after Ye Xichen was born, Mrs. Ye became pregnant again.

 It's a pity that Ye Hantian may be destined to have no children.

 “This is all retribution, so that you can’t get what you love, and everything you want will be taken away from you.”

Mrs. Ye smiled miserably, left a curse like a broken thought, and dragged her tired body away.

Su Hui’s daughter is dead.

 It’s true that God is helping her!

 Early on the second day.

 Mrs. Ye ordered someone to buy a bunch of good supplements and send them to the hospital.

 She personally mentioned Su Hui's ward and went to "visit" Su Hui.

The nurse saw Mrs. Ye's hands full of things and thought that Mrs. Ye was kind-hearted. After all, when the caesarean section was performed, Mrs. Ye initially insisted on protecting the adult.

The nurse took the initiative to mention to Madam Ye about Su Hui's physical condition and her eagerness to see her daughter. She hoped that Madam Ye could comfort Su Hui after Su Hui woke up.

 After all, it is heartbreaking for a mother to accept the death of her child.

 “Mrs. Ye, I’m sorry to bother you.”

"Okay, you go out first. I'll say something to her. I hope no one will disturb her, lest she become emotionally unstable."

“Don’t worry, I’ll ring the bell when you need me.”

The kind nurse left the room after explaining a few words, closing the door softly as she left.

 Leave Mrs. Ye and Su Hui in the ward.

Mrs. Ye looked at Su Hui with her eyes closed, with a smile on her face.

“You think you can sit back and relax after your child is born, and wait for the rest of his life to be rich, wealthy, and wealthy?”

Mrs. Ye implies that Su Hui is ambitious and tries to fly up a branch and become a phoenix.

Su Hui, who was "sleeping soundly", did indeed open her eyes.

After Su Hui’s incident is over, of course, Mrs. Ye’s incident will be brought out. What will be Brother Chen’s identity?



 (End of this chapter)

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