My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 640: Your daughter is dead

Chapter 640: Your daughter is dead

“My daughter was born safely, is Mrs. Ye disappointed?”

Madam Ye looked over with a sharp look, "Are you provoking me?"

"Su Hui doesn't dare. I just want to thank Mrs. Ye for your kindness in allowing me to give birth to my daughter." Su Hui sat up from the bed carefully.

Mrs. Ye smiled when she saw her appearance.

"You just gave birth prematurely and are weak. You should lie in bed and take a good rest before getting up. These supplements are of the highest quality and will ensure that your body recovers quickly after taking them."

Su Hui looked up and saw the things that Madam Ye had placed on the table. Judging from the packaging alone, they seemed expensive.

 She had come into contact with many expensive things during her pregnancy with Ye Hantian, and when she saw those supplements, they were indeed very good.

 But she was doubtful and asked Madam Ye, "Are you so kind?"

 Mrs. Ye doesn't make any noise or make trouble to her now, she seems to be in a very peaceful state of mind.

 But compared with the attitude before and after production, there is really a big gap, which makes people feel confused.

Mrs. Night reached out and fiddled with the supplement boxes. From the beginning to the end, nothing was lower than four digits.

“It doesn’t matter what I think in my heart. What matters is that these things are good.”

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Ye, but I think Han Tian will give me something better, and I don't want to refuse his kindness."

 The implication is that she did not want to reject the better one sent by Ye Hantian, so she had to reject the defective one sent by Madam Ye.

He also named Ye Hantian's name clearly, making it clear that he was showing off to Madam Ye.


 Mrs. Ye was not angry.

Mrs. Ye was really lifeless now, and her eyes looked at Su Hui with a bit of sympathy.

After Su Hui said those words, Mrs. Ye nodded in agreement, "This is what it should be. You almost lost your life when you gave birth to the child. Han Tian did not hesitate to choose to save the child. He feels guilty for you, so he should compensate you more." some."

Mrs. Ye inadvertently revealed her unexpected choice during the birth operation to Su Hui.

Su Hui’s eyes widened when she heard this.

Mrs. Ye shook her head, "Your look... you can't believe it, right?"

Su Hui gritted her teeth and insisted on protecting her face, deliberately saying: "Some women are very jealous, and what they say does not have much credibility."

Mrs. Ye sneered, "Su Hui, before the child was born, you were like a mouse seeing a cat, avoiding me and talking down to me. Now that the child has come out of your belly, you feel so comfortable that you talk to me sarcastically?"

"Su Hui didn't mean that. I just hope Mrs. Ye won't stir up trouble. After all, such a woman is the least liked by men." Su Hui tilted her head and snorted.

 Although she said so, she didn't think so in her heart.

She thought that after she woke up, she didn't hear the doctor talk about the danger of giving birth and the choice of taking care of her child. Madam Ye must have deliberately provoked her because she was jealous that she had won Ye Hantian's heart and gave birth to her daughter safely.

"I will not be affected by your words. Is there anything else, Mrs. Ye? If nothing happens, just go out. I want to rest well and spend time with my daughter early."

"Oh? Are you taking a break just to spend time with your daughter?" Mrs. Ye asked knowingly, and then added: "Then I think there's no need for it."


“I mean, you don’t have to be so anxious to spend time with your daughter. After all, you won’t be able to see her until you get some rest.”

"What do you mean?"

 “Your daughter is dead.”

Someone is curious who killed that child?



 (End of this chapter)

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