My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 644: great maternal love

 Chapter 644 Great maternal love

Ye Xichen quietly walked to the edge, climbed onto the railing and hid underneath.

There are more than ten floors of high-rise buildings below, and he is clinging to the railing without any safety ties.

 The people watching downstairs were nervous and shocked.

Because Su Hui pointed the knife at Madam Ye's neck, if she didn't look in the right direction when she hit her, it would also be in Madam Ye's hands.

Ye Hantian tried to move forward and get closer while talking to Su Hui.

Su Hui suddenly moved the fruit knife away from Mrs. Ye's neck and pointed at Ye Hantian with one hand, "You are not allowed to come over!"

At this time, Ye Xichen took the opportunity to sneak attack from behind and knocked Su Hui and Madam Ye away, causing them both to fall forward.

Madam Ye took the opportunity to crawl forward, and Ye Hantian rushed over to hold Madam Ye's hand.

At this critical moment, Mrs. Ye didn't show any pretense and snuggled in the direction of Ye Hantian.

Su Hui felt resistance and suddenly turned back after standing up. She happened to see Ye Xichen jumping in from outside the railing.

Su Hui is going crazy now!

She raised the fruit knife and stabbed Ye Xichen. Ye Xichen, who had just jumped in while holding on to the railing, could not resist in time, and a bright red bloodstain was drawn on the back of his hand by the sharp edge of the knife.

When Su Hui raised the fruit knife and was about to stab Ye Xichen a second time, Madam Ye pushed Ye Hantian away from her and ran directly in the direction of her son, blocking Ye Xichen.

At this moment, Ye Xichen was already standing firmly on the edge. He knocked the fruit knife out of Su Hui's hand with his bare hands and pulled Madam Ye away.

Su Hui took a step back. She stood on the edge of the rooftop and leaned back...

I saw a blue-white figure falling from a tall building...

 Everything ended with the sound of falling from the building.

Mrs. Ye held Ye Xichen's arm, looking anxious and shedding rare tears.

 Ye Xichen felt heavy.

He always felt that Madam Ye regarded him as a **** to fight for interests, or as Madam Ye's capital to compete with other ladies outside, but he never thought... At a critical moment, his mother, who usually looked snobbish, would step forward without hesitation. I don't want to block the knife for him!

If he hadn't acted quickly, Su Hui's knife would have almost stabbed Mrs. Ye's heart.

"Chen'er, let's go down quickly and find a doctor to stop your bleeding." When Madam Ye pulled Ye Xichen, her arms and fingers were shaking.

“Mom, it’s just a minor injury, don’t worry.” Ye Xichen comforted her.

But Madam Ye only cared about his wound, and other things like Su Hui and Ye Hantian were forgotten.

"There is so much blood left and it hasn't stopped yet. How can I not worry? You are my son. I would rather be the one injured!"

  When Madam Ye spoke her truth categorically, the ripples in Ye Xichen's heart could not calm down for a long time.

When going downstairs, Mrs. Ye still looked back.

I saw Ye Hantian leaning against the railing and stretching out a hand, but he didn't catch anything.

His lonely look at this moment was not at all like the cold and arrogant chairman he usually looked like, and his eyes seemed to be staring with a dead look.

Jump off the building…

The scene of Su Hui jumping off the building reminded him of many times when he was young and the scene where Hua Qianhui jumped from the building with tears of despair, all with the intention of dying!

At that moment, Ye Hanzhen felt a chill running down his spine.

Ye Hantian heard the sound of the ambulance and vaguely saw the people downstairs turning into small black dots moving around.

"do you died?"

 “Du, are you dead?”

Finally, Qixi thought, how about clearing Mrs. Ye’s name?



 (End of this chapter)

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