My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 645: blood on hands

Chapter 645 Blood on Hands

 “Dong dong dong—”

Ye Ziyi ran quickly on the road, which was the road leading to Ye's villa.

 She came here after receiving the news!

 Su Hui's incident of jumping off a building was filmed and posted online. All three members of the Ye family appeared in the video, which has aroused heated discussion among netizens.

 The news spread very fast on the Internet, even Ye Weiwei, who was studying in G City, already knew about it.

She didn't care what happened to Ye Hantian and Madam Ye. She only saw the report that Ye Xichen bravely saved people by climbing on the edge of a railing more than ten stories high without any protective measures!

She rushed back as fast as she could, and Ye Xichen, who had bandaged his wounds, was at Yejia Villa.

Mrs. Ye was very anxious when she was first injured.

 The mother and son went to the doctor to bandage the wound. The wound was not injured, but the wound was quite long. They had to bandage it with medicine to avoid infection as much as possible.

Later on, no matter who asked, Madam Ye insisted on taking Ye Xichen home to take good care of her.

Ye Xichen had a new understanding of Mrs. Ye this time, as if the stern mother image in his memory suddenly had a different personality.

Perhaps it’s because of the different perspectives on things and the different ideas about people that Ye Xichen couldn’t figure out what was true and what was false for a while.

He only knew that the scene of Madam Ye protecting her on the rooftop was deeply rooted in people's hearts.

 It turns out that maternal love is really great.

 So this time when Ye Ziwei said she wanted to come to him, he didn't deliberately avoid Mrs. Ye and Ye's villa, but directly called her over.

Ye Weiwei hesitated for a moment, but the resistance to the Ye family in his heart was far outweighed by his concern for Ye Xichen, so Ye Weiwei appeared outside the Ye family villa at this moment.

She hasn't been to this place for a long time, and now she realizes that even the security guard at the door has been replaced.

 But for some reason, the security guard recognized her identity at a glance.

However, the security guard did not stop him, but let Ye Weiwei in with a smile on his face.

Ye Weiyi had doubts in his heart, but his anxiety was even worse.

The appearance of Yejia's villa was not much different from what she remembered. She was probably a familiar person after walking on this road.

 The only thing that happened that night was like a gust of wind. The two security guards at the door stood staring at her back until there was news.

Ye Weiwei didn’t know why the security guard let her in so easily?

 That's because a man who cares about her will take out her latest photos every month so that the servants of the Ye family can remember her and want her to enter them unimpeded.

Ye Weiwei broke into the villa. He didn't ask anything else. He just wanted to know how Ye Xichen was doing.

"elder brother!"

 I saw Ye Xichen sitting in the living room, as if waiting for her arrival.

 “Brother, I’m here.”

Ye Weiwei looked down and reached for his shoes, only to realize that certain things were still deeply etched in his memory and could not be erased no matter what.

She just picked up the shoes and realized how natural and smooth the action was. It was not like a guest who needed to prepare or beg someone to change them.

Ye Weiyi hesitated for a moment, then changed his shoes and walked towards Ye Xichen.

Ye Weiwei saw that the palm of his left hand was wrapped with white bandages, circle after circle, layer after layer. She raised her hands in pain, wanting to touch them but not daring to say, "Brother, are your hands seriously injured?" serious!"

 “My hand has been medicated, it’s fine.”

 “How can it be okay!”

"It doesn't matter whether something happens to him or not!" Madam Ye's voice suddenly came out.

 (End of this chapter)

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