My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 649: I trust my husband very much

 Chapter 649 I believe in my husband very much

“Mrs. Ye, everyone said that Su Hui’s lover who jumped off the building was outside the nightclub. What do you think of this matter?”

“Mrs. Ye, why were you on the top of the building that day when Su Hui jumped from the building? How did you feel at that time?”

The reporter chased the couple inside, but fortunately the security guard stopped them.

 Ye Hantian holds Madam Ye in his arms, giving the appearance of a husband protecting his wife.

The secretary opened a path for them from the back: "Please enter in an orderly manner. Our chairman and his wife will explain the reason for this matter to everyone later."

 After Ye Hantian and Madam Ye entered the small room, they immediately let go of their hands.

 The softness on Mrs. Ye's face disappeared instantly, "Have the arrangements been made for Su Hui?"

“Reporters have been stationed outside the hospital. I have arranged for people to guard the outside of the ward so that no one can get in.”

Su Hui is not dead, so many reporters want to know something from her, but Ye Hantian has been guarding Su Hui's ward, and no one else is allowed in except the designated doctors and nurses.

Ye Hantian straightened the collar of his clothes and reminded Madam Ye, "Be careful with your words on stage. Don't let those reporters take advantage of you."

Those reporters have a very sharp perspective on issues, and they may be able to find countless loopholes with just a casual sentence. Once you make up this lie, there can be no mistakes.

Madam Ye snorted coldly, "It's all the mess you left behind!"

 The press conference finally began, and Ye Hantian and Madam Ye took the stage hand in hand.

“There are many opinions about the recent jumping incident that caused a sensation in S city. My wife and I came to the press conference today just to tell everyone the truth.”

 At this time, reporters took out their cameras to shoot videos or take various photos and quickly record key points.

The general reason that Ye Hantian and Madam Ye finally weaved was as follows: They met a pregnant woman who fell down and gave birth prematurely. The couple kindly took her to the hospital. Although the baby girl was born safely, due to premature birth, she stopped breathing when she was in the premature baby incubator. The death of the baby girl greatly shocked Su Hui, a mother. When Mrs. Ye kindly sent supplements to visit, Su Hui regarded Mrs. Ye as the murderer of her daughter. From then on, the scene on the roof of the hospital happened.

 As for why the child’s surname is Ye?

 Because the child had to fill in a name when he was born, they did not know Su Hui’s relevant information at that time and could not contact Su Hui’s family, so they temporarily left the name.

 As for the claims of extramarital affairs, they are all rumors!

"The above is the whole story of the matter, which can withstand verification. My wife and I have a clear conscience."

After they "confessed the truth," Ye Hantian also issued a strong and soft warning, "After today's press conference, our Ye family will take legal action to hold those who deliberately spread false news accountable."

 Ye's Group has a well-known name in S City.

 The reason reporters were so crazy this time was because the incident of Su Hui jumping off a building was widely known, and they took this opportunity to get out of troubled waters.

 Once the trend changes, no one will dare to be innovative and stand out.

The weather was so cold at night that reporters pointed the finger at Mrs. Ye.

“Mrs. Ye, is what the nightclub just said the truth? There are rumors that the nightclub rarely goes home. Are you and your husband really as harmonious as they appear?

 “Rumors stop with the wise, my husband and I have a very good relationship.”

While Mrs. Ye was answering calmly on the stage, Pei Yichen and Mo Si had already entered the scene.

 (End of this chapter)

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