My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 650: Mo Si and Madam Ye

Chapter 650 Mo Si and Madam Ye

“You said there is a good show, and this is what you want to watch?”

Mo Si looked at Ye Hantian and Madam Ye on the stage and raised his eyebrows, "It's actually them."

 “Do you know them, sir?”

 Mo Si shook his head and said: "I have heard a little bit."

Mo Si was brought here by Pei Yichen. Unexpectedly, it was a press conference, and the host of the press conference turned out to be Ye Hantian, who had bid for the necklace with him a few days ago.

Pei Yichen asked with deep meaning: "Sir, do you really not know about the chairman and the chairman's wife of Ye's Group?"

Mo Si replied calmly and firmly: "I don't know."

 However, a smart man like Mo Si would not just answer casually.

 When he heard Pei Yichen's question, he felt that things were not simple.

 “Yi Chen, there is something in your words.”

"Yes, because this Ye family is the biggest enemy of the Qiao family. Listening to their dramatic explanation is like watching a clown's performance. Isn't it a good show?"

“I have never been involved in the feud between the Ye family and the Qiao family, and I cannot empathize with it. What does it have to do with me?”

"I just know that my husband has recently stopped in S city, and I asked him to watch a play." Pei Yichen explained calmly, and it was impossible to see that he had any other ideas.

Mo Si thought of the competition between Ye Hantian and him a few days ago...

 The reason he wanted that necklace was because he was entrusted by his brother.

It was the brother-in-law who took a fancy to the necklace. His brother mentioned it and he took note of it.

He has a good relationship with his brother. Since it was his brother who spoke, it would only cost some money, which was just a small matter to him.

Thinking about it now, Ye Hantian should have given the necklace he wanted to the lady standing next to him.

 However, this matter has nothing to do with him.

Ye Hantian explained the reason clearly at the press conference. When Mrs. Ye expressed her opinion about the new husband, the reporters asked endless questions.

It was Mo Si, who was still single, who said calmly, "That chairman's wife has no emotion in her eyes."

 Mrs. Ye’s expression when facing the camera can be regarded as lively, but what Mo Si said without emotion means...

 When Mrs. Ye said she believed in her husband, she couldn't tell her sincerity.

Pei Yichen was slightly shocked, "How can you understand that woman, sir? You don't know each other."

“You can understand some people just by looking at them.”

Mo Si turned around and said this to Pei Yichen inexplicably.

Pei Yichen took Mo Si to watch the scene, but the scene soon ended.

Ye Hantian protected Madam Ye as she walked out to the road, while Mo Si and Pei Yichen retreated to the side to avoid the crowd.

On the way, Madam Ye suddenly turned her head and glanced to the right, and her eyes met with Mo Si's again.

In the blink of an eye, Mrs. Ye had been escorted into the car by Ye Hantian, and the driver drove them both away.

 The scattered reporters began to call and send news. Ye Hantian had been making headlines one after another, and it was even worse today.

 In the car, Ye Hantian had already received the message from the hospital: Su Hui woke up.

 The couple looked solemn.

Mrs. Ye was the first to speak, "I decided not to let her appear and talk nonsense."

Ye Hantian was about to answer, but when he saw the next message, Ye Hantian was speechless for a moment.

 After examination by doctors, Su Hui had mental problems.

  Meaning: When Su Hui woke up, he was already crazy.

Mrs. Ye was very cautious, "Don't take it lightly. Who knows if that woman is playing some trick."

 She felt uneasy after thinking about it, and finally decided, "I want to go and see for myself."

 (End of this chapter)

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