My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 660: Madam CEO

Chapter 660 Mrs. President

After reading the identification results, Pei Yichen took a photo of the important results on the last page and sent them to Ye Weiwei.

 The message was sent, but Ye Weiyi didn’t have time to read it, so she put it aside for the time being.

That day, she went to Ye's Group with Ye Xichen.

Ye Hantian is still on a business trip and has not returned, so she has no way to get Ye Hantian's hair.

"I'll go take care of things. You can rest here for now. If you need anything, call the secretary."

 “Okay, I know.”

Ye Weiwei followed Ye Xichen into Ye's Group at will, which inevitably aroused objections from the company's employees.

Ye's Group covers a wide range of areas, and the company's employees change almost every day, so not everyone knows Ye Weiwei.

The last time she appeared with Ye Hantian, this time she appeared with Ye Xichen, and being seen by others has already made people imagine.

“Last time you speculated about the relationship between Miss Qiao and the chairman, this time she came with Mr. Chen.”

Since Ye Xichen has officially been involved in the company's business, their name for Ye Xichen has changed. In order to distinguish Ye Xichen from Ye Hantian, the company's employees call Ye Xichen Mr. Chen.

Of course, this title is not the point.

 The point is that the young girl named Qiao Ling has a close relationship with the company's leaders and successors.

 They directly denied the idea that Qiao Ling was Ye Hantian's lover.

 In contrast, it is more credible to say that Qiao Li is Ye Xichen's girlfriend.

“Have you ever heard of the famous Qiao family in S city?” Someone in the gossip raised the issue of identity. Everyone thought about it and shook their heads.

 “It seems not.”

 “I haven’t heard of it either.”

 The Qiao family, which has a glorious history, only existed more than ten years ago. Of course, young people like them who came out recently did not know it.

And even if they knew it, it would be impossible for them to connect the young and beautiful Qiao Lian with the down-and-out Qiao family.

Some of the more honest people only felt envious, "If that Miss Qiao Ling is really Mr. Chen's girlfriend, then we have to be more polite when we see her in the future. She might be the CEO's wife."

But some ambitious people are unwilling to admit it and want to find reasons and excuses to refute, "What are you talking about? The heir of the Ye family must pay attention to being well-matched when getting married. You all said that there is no rich family named Qiao, maybe it's just a matter of appearance. A vase for eating.”

These words are so sour...

Anyone who listened could feel the resentment in her tone.

But the next second, the people who were gathered together quickly dispersed in all directions.

The jealous person was unaware of the approaching danger. She was unreasonable and unforgiving, "I have nothing to do with the chairman and Mr. Chen. If she is really my girlfriend, why doesn't Mr. Chen?" To announce her identity directly? She must be deliberately seducing her because of her beauty..."

  When that person said a long sentence in a medium tone, many people present changed their expressions.

 A tall shadow pressed down on the top of the head, and the cold voice was hesitant and ice-cold, "What do I want to do that I need you to teach me?"

 The man shrouded in shadow immediately covered his mouth with both hands, his body stiffened and he was speechless.

"Who is the supervisor?" Ye Xichen asked, and the department supervisor immediately stood up.

Ye Xichen glanced at the talkative gossip coldly, "The company doesn't need talkative people. I don't want to see this person in the company in the future."

 (End of this chapter)

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